View Full Version : October 2017 ALDHA Gathering

09-16-2017, 13:40
Hello all. I'm going to the ALDHA Gathering for the first time this year. Does anyone have tips, advice, input of any sort to make it as informative and enjoyable as it can be? I am planning a thru-hike leaving February 2018 and possibly a section hike in NJ/NY shortly after the Gathering. I also hope to do some short hikes on the Ouachita trail but that may not work out logistically. I'm new-ish, having past experience backpacking but not having done it for a decade or so.

In addition to the general question, I'd appreciate insight about vendors at the Gathering. I have a couple gear items left to buy but I'm kind of all shopped out and feeling general anxiety about my budget. I'm wondering if it would be worthwhile to wait and check out what might be available there. For instance, I haven't bought trekking poles yet but I'm getting burned out on researching and I'm thinking that maybe I should slow my roll, get off the internet and stay away from REI for a couple weeks. :)

09-16-2017, 14:23
You will get all the info you seek while there. Come with a totally open mind. One of the best outfitters on the trail will be just a few miles from the Gathering at Damascus. Also, scour posts on White Blaze for remarks about the cottage offerings. Generally, you cannot find them at the outfitters but must communicate with them personally. When you are carrying your pack on the trail, you will wish you had if you don't. At the Gathering you will receive an undergraduate degree's worth of wisdom. That is a major purpose (along with the camaraderie--HA! I think I misspelled that one) of its annual meeting.

09-17-2017, 02:42
Excellent. Thanks so much.

09-17-2017, 10:17
When you arrive, and check in, you will receive a schedule of the weekend.
Read it carefully. Study it.
Mark seminars you would like to see.
Figure out a schedule for yourself for the different ones.
Then study the map and figure out where they are.
Go and learn about all kinds of different things related to hiking: Gear, new trails, hiking techniques, etc.
Then, if and when you have time slots that are not filled, go to the vendors and see and talk about the gear.

At least that's the way it used to be. (haven't been to one now in a few years, but might make next years with some luck)
Above all: Have fun!

09-17-2017, 15:25
what is the camping area like? is it a good place to camp?

09-17-2017, 23:23
Thanks, fiddlehead!