View Full Version : Trying to identify my EMS backpack

11-15-2017, 20:10
I have this pack but have been unable to find ID online, It's body has roughly two feet length. The tag inside says: RN#57113. I could do more research, I bought it new at EMS. https://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/VvUAAOSwlnZZtt8g/s-l1600.jpg

Any help would be appreciated.

11-15-2017, 20:23

11-15-2017, 22:31
Thanks, but that doesn't make any sense. $2 and change for a full pack??

11-16-2017, 00:00
If you go to the EMS website (Live Chat) or call and give the representative those numbers, they’ll be able to tell what it is, what it’s made of, how much it weighs...I’ve done this with a few old items I have and lost track of the specs.

11-16-2017, 00:02
If ya can’t find the chat button, poke around some high dollar items (mountaineering always seems to bring the reps around, especially if ya go back and forth between top of the line stuff, and then tee shirts, works every time).

11-16-2017, 09:09
Appears to be used, as the only hits that come up are for sites such as Poshmark. The photos show it's EMS and the tag has the same RN on it (but the bag linked below comes up down the list of Google results and doesn't look anything like it, so who knows.)

I'm just trying to be helpful. It appears that the secondary market is the only source for them, so supply and prices will be unpredictable.
