View Full Version : 35 below socks

12-10-2017, 11:47
Has anyone tried these socks.

12-10-2017, 18:28
No, but damn tempted to give them my 20 bucks and find out :)

12-10-2017, 20:07
So good they aren’t sold in stores ! They need Billy Mayes

12-11-2017, 01:11
Has anyone tried these socks.


12-11-2017, 02:09
I never plan on being out when it’s that cold.

12-11-2017, 07:34
two pairs for $5.99 an AliExpress...
https://www.aliexpress.com/item/2-pairs-35-Below-Socks-Keep-Your-Feet-Warm-and-Dry-As-Seen-On-TV-Aluminized/32790601015.html?src=google&albslr=220674601&isdl=y&aff_short_key=UneMJZVf&source=%7Bifdyn:dyn%7D%7Bifpla:pla%7D%7Bifdbm:DBM&albch=DID%7D&src=google&albch=shopping&acnt=708-803-3821&isdl=y&albcp=653153647&albag=34728528644&slnk=&trgt=66447728618&plac=&crea=en32790601015&netw=g&device=c&mtctp=&gclid=CjwKCAiA9rjRBRAeEiwA2SV4Zeeyl40qy3Qfc9r0ZvCk kJ_u9CT61kW8dIUR6h8QQC8m-eNNFvq-6RoCMs8QAvD_BwE

12-11-2017, 09:43
I never plan on being out when it’s that cold.

Neither do I

12-11-2017, 12:25
These aren't exactly a new concept. I have a couple pair of "sparkly" socks due to the aluminum threads woven into the fabric. I haven't used them in a long, long time, but I seem to remember they did help. I'll have to see if I can find them again.

12-11-2017, 12:40
I tried something similar years ago. Pretty much useless. Might be fine for someone in dry atmosphere where radiant loss is big issue but generally cold feet are related to loss of loft in insulation due to it getting damp.

The bread bag trick works much better and doesn't cost anything

12-11-2017, 13:31
I tried something similar years ago. Pretty much useless. Might be fine for someone in dry atmosphere where radiant loss is big issue but generally cold feet are related to loss of loft in insulation due to it getting damp.

The bread bag trick works much better and doesn't cost anythingumbrella bags offer a light weight cold weather water crossing in knee highs.

12-11-2017, 17:57
I dug up my sparkly socks from the back of the bottom dresser draw, put them on and went and shoveled my driveway in mid 20 degree temps. I must say, they did seem to help. I guess. I suppose the only real test is the one foot with and one foot without. The socks I have are liners, so still need a good sock over them.