View Full Version : Filling Drom Bags from Trickling Sources

02-11-2006, 02:38
Hey there,
This is a question that popped into my mind tonight. Me and my partner for the AT have decided to carry aquamira instead of a miniworks. We both have Msr drom bags. Filling up on trickling streams was not difficult with the filter because of the pumping/siphon action. How do you all go about filling up hydration bladders from those very small and slow water sources?

02-11-2006, 04:18
use a small cup.


02-11-2006, 08:06
use a zip lock baggie

02-11-2006, 08:41
Use a 20 oz "wide-mouth" gatorade bottle. We pulled water last summer out of trickling sources; no problem. Just takes a lot of dipping/skimming...

02-11-2006, 09:01
Use a 20 oz "wide-mouth" gatorade bottle. We pulled water last summer out of trickling sources; no problem. Just takes a lot of dipping/skimming...

I meant to say "used" a 20 oz wide mouth bottle. There are lots of ways to go about scooping water...

Cedar Tree
02-11-2006, 09:28
I carry a McDonalds straw for these water sources. Slide it in and make a little pipe. I've had good success with this method, on some pretty weak water sources.

02-11-2006, 14:04
I carry a McDonalds straw for these water sources. Slide it in and make a little pipe. I've had good success with this method, on some pretty weak water sources.

thats a thought,cool:cool: neo

02-11-2006, 14:26
I carry a McDonalds straw for these water sources. Slide it in and make a little pipe. I've had good success with this method, on some pretty weak water sources.

your windscreen can also be bent to form a spout, if the water is running down a rockface or small slope.

02-11-2006, 18:04
If I'm carrying my Nomadlite, I have a hollow "spreader bar" I use as a pipe. Some carry a short section of 1/2" PVC pipe

Tha Wookie
02-13-2006, 01:44
I use Ray Jardine's method: Take the foil off the top of a cookie package (like Keeblers) and roll it up in a straw shape. When you get to a seep or slow spring, unroll the straw and use it to channel the water into your bag. Simple, light, and highly effective.

02-13-2006, 09:40
I carry a McDonalds straw for these water sources. Slide it in and make a little pipe. I've had good success with this method, on some pretty weak water sources.

Just Jeff
02-13-2006, 22:46
If it's trickling, I sometimes use a leaf to funnel it into my container. Same principle as the foil wrapper, but I save .00001 oz. But if you average that out, it's like 1 oz per 100,000 miles and that's a big deal. :p

02-13-2006, 23:11
pvc pipe?! thats insane.worst case scinareo if the spring is so so dry with only wetness and a puddle the size of a penny.heres what ive done. dig a pit,line it with rock,build a steping stone over it if its been trampled on the trail, and wait for it to fill and settle.wala! new improved spring .please remember to be pure while near the water.treat it like an open wound. dont let anything touch it.

02-13-2006, 23:42
pvc pipe?! thats insane.

Tell it to the thru-hikers that have been there and done that, Mr. Thru-hiker in planning.