View Full Version : AT Virginia

06-26-2018, 09:49
Hi Guys, we'll hike Virginia next month July for 11 days. We're coming straight from Brazil, so;

Which section do you recommend to do this 11 days? If possible, not so far from an airport to get in, and after to get out.



06-26-2018, 09:55
start in damascus and head north for 11 days. first 3 days or so will be awesome, after that isn't bad as far as VA goes.

other option i'd advise is either start at daleville and head south or attempt to end at daleville but that might be tricky to time out 11 days worth of hiking.

don't really know about airports in the area except i dont think there are many.

06-26-2018, 09:56
If you only want the VA section and nothing in NC or TN, then I would suggest that you start in Damascus and head north. Plenty of places that will allow you to leave your car (for a small fee) or there are several shuttle services that can get you there.

Knoxville, TN or Asheville, NC are probably your best bet for airports.

The Old Chief
06-26-2018, 12:11
Damascus is a good choice. Fly in and out of Johnson City Tn. Airport

06-26-2018, 12:39
Good, open to another sections.

You mentioned NC and TN, what are the options you like?

06-26-2018, 13:39
Good, open to another sections.

You mentioned NC and TN, what are the options you like?

IMO, all of NC & TN are beautiful. You might want to avoid the Great Smokey Mountain National Park because it will likely be crowded in July. You can start at I40 and go north thru Hot Springs. Easy to catch flights in/out of Asheville.

How many miles per day do you want to do?

06-26-2018, 13:43
Two links that might be helpful if you don't already have them.



06-26-2018, 14:58
IMO, all of NC & TN are beautiful. You might want to avoid the Great Smokey Mountain National Park because it will likely be crowded in July. You can start at I40 and go north thru Hot Springs. Easy to catch flights in/out of Asheville.

How many miles per day do you want to do?

Ok, So option 1;

- starting I40 north to Hot Springs, flight from Ashville

What about landing in Washington and going to Shenandoah, from there hike south? Do you think it´s worth it? It seems easier regarding logistics, and cheaper the flight ticket.

06-26-2018, 15:38
I try to plan trips for the easier/ more versatile logistics last - so finish at harpers ferry (with train to DC)

start at Waynesboro (S end of Shenandoah) or Luray (middle)

DC airport at both ends

Crushed Grapes
06-26-2018, 17:42
Ok, So option 1;

- starting I40 north to Hot Springs, flight from Ashville

What about landing in Washington and going to Shenandoah, from there hike south? Do you think it´s worth it? It seems easier regarding logistics, and cheaper the flight ticket.
I live in DC and go out to Shenandoah at least once a month. A little over an hour drive from the city (DCA airport) will put you at Front Royal (you'd be even closer flying in to Dulles Airport). You could hike south on the AT and do all of Shenandoah in that time presumably. You'd need a way to get back to Front Royal, but there are many shuttles in the area.

06-27-2018, 10:17
Hi Guys, we'll hike Virginia next month July for 11 days. We're coming straight from Brazil, so;

Which section do you recommend to do this 11 days? If possible, not so far from an airport to get in, and after to get out.



How about this section...


Not sure how close it is to airports, but both endpoints are close to major highways. And this covers Dragon's Tooth, McAfee Knob, Tinker Cliffs. Also there are some good views south of Pearisburg.

06-27-2018, 23:08
Collecting the opinions, sites and data you're posting guys, helping a lot.

06-27-2018, 23:34
Well, since you apparently want to also go to Glacier, doing something out of Washington DC is a good plan, which points to the Shenandoah as the logical choice. Then back to DC and the long train ride to Glacier.

06-28-2018, 06:46
In addition to Shenandoah you should consider the sections going in or out of Harper’s Ferry

06-30-2018, 21:26
tdoczy,hatchee, george, crushed grapes, old chief, flypaper, slo-goén, chknfngrs; Thank You very much guys, helping us decide. We'll land in DC, then try a shuttle to Front Royal, and sobo.

Any ideas for transportation, le us know.

Take Care

06-30-2018, 22:22
1. Fly into Washington DC, and spend the night there.
2. Early the next morning, get to one of the first three stops mentioned in this bus company's schedule:
All are in the DC area, and all can be accessed by mass transit from innumerable lodging choices.
If you're flying into Dulles (unlikely, but I mention it), you may as well stay near that airport.
3. Ride this bus to Front Royal.
4. Ride a shuttle from Front Royal into Shenandoah Nat Park; say, to Big Meadows.
NOTE: You might find it cheaper for your group to do a shuttle directly from Washington. There's (generally) no additional charge for extra people taking the same shuttle, but there IS for riding a bus.
5. Hike the 100 miles (or so) to Harpers Ferry.
6. Ride Amtrak
back to Washington DC.
Note that MARC runs ONLY on weekdays, and only early in the morning.
Again, you might find a shuttle direct from Harpers Ferry to be less expensive.
7. Spend a few days in DC before you fly back!

Note that you'll have to arrange a shuttle WELL before you arrive -- don't count on getting a shuttle on the day you'll be using one!

07-01-2018, 01:02
1. Fly into Washington DC, and spend the night there.
2. Early the next morning, get to one of the first three stops mentioned in this bus company's schedule:

All are in the DC area, and all can be accessed by mass transit from innumerable lodging choices.
If you're flying into Dulles (unlikely, but I mention it), you may as well stay near that airport.
3. Ride this bus to Front Royal.
4. Ride a shuttle from Front Royal into Shenandoah Nat Park; say, to Big Meadows.
NOTE: You might find it cheaper for your group to do a shuttle directly from Washington. There's (generally) no additional charge for extra people taking the same shuttle, but there IS for riding a bus.
5. Hike the 100 miles (or so) to Harpers Ferry.
6. Ride Amtrak
back to Washington DC.
Note that MARC runs ONLY on weekdays, and only early in the morning.
Again, you might find a shuttle direct from Harpers Ferry to be less expensive.
7. Spend a few days in DC before you fly back!

Note that you'll have to arrange a shuttle WELL before you arrive -- don't count on getting a shuttle on the day you'll be using one!

Thought about taking a bus through Hwy 66 , stopping near Linden and start sobo on Trumbo Hollow Trailhead. Is this viable, or only by shuttle?

07-01-2018, 08:31
> Thought about taking a bus through Hwy 66 , stopping near Linden and start sobo on Trumbo Hollow Trailhead. Is this viable, or only by shuttle?

Only by shuttle. The bus service I noted is the only such service to that area, and it only started last winter -- for many years there was NO mass transit from ANYWHERE that went even into Front Royal.

There is DEFINITELY no bus that stops near Linden. Greyhound may drive along Interstate 66*, but it will NOT make ANY stops except those on its schedule.

In other words, you'll have to use a shuttle.

* FYI - in the U.S., there are interstate roads, usually prefixed with the letter 'I', such as "I-95." Roads built by the federal government are prefixed by "U S," such as "US Highway 1" or just "US-1." Roads built by state funds or county funds have similar prefixes, such as "State Highway 12" and "County Road 100," and sometimes just "Virginia 12" or even "VA-12." It's VERY confusing, even if you've traveled these roads for DECADES.

07-01-2018, 11:39
Too bad you gave up on Glacier National Park. It’s a shame to come this far and miss a treasure lake Glacier. Maybe next time!
Have a great trip!

07-01-2018, 22:02
Hi Guys, we'll hike Virginia next month July for 11 days. We're coming straight from Brazil, so;

Which section do you recommend to do this 11 days? If possible, not so far from an airport to get in, and after to get out.



Another thought is fly in and out of Washington DC.

Start at Harpers Ferry and head south.

Catch a shuttle back to DC from wherever you end up.

07-02-2018, 09:33
The tow path that extends from dc to Harper’s Ferry is fifty seven miles starting in Georgetown

07-02-2018, 09:39
One could walk from DCA to the tow path basically creating the ability to hike from airport to the AT

07-02-2018, 09:41
One could walk from DCA to the tow path basically creating the ability to hike from airport to the AT and also vamos Mexico

Odd Man Out
07-02-2018, 12:56
I've thought about walking to HF along the C&O Canal from DC. One problem is the first camp site is 16 miles up from Georgetown so you would have to plan on hiking this far the first day if you want to camp legally. However it is not a far fetched as you might think to hike from the Airport to the trail. From the main terminal at DCA, if you cross over to the main parking garage and go out the back, there is a pedestrian tunnel that takes you under the highway and then connects to the Mt Vernon Trail. Go right (north) and follow the river. This connects to pedestrian walkways on each of the bridges upstream (14th street, Memorial, Roosevelt, Key, and Chain). The first three take you to the Rock Creek Park Pathway that connects to the beginning of the C&O Canal Path in Georgetown. The last two connect directly to the towpath above Georgetown. So yes, you can hike to the trail with no road walks. You just can camp until you get to mile 16 on the tow path. There are a number of hotels in Georgetown that are right on the trail, including the Four Seasons for $850/night! Or you could always stay at the Watergate Hotel. That's on the trail too next to the Kennedy Center.

07-02-2018, 13:29
Not to threadjack but I’m doing that in a few weeks

07-03-2018, 20:36
> Thought about taking a bus through Hwy 66 , stopping near Linden and start sobo on Trumbo Hollow Trailhead. Is this viable, or only by shuttle?

Only by shuttle. The bus service I noted is the only such service to that area, and it only started last winter -- for many years there was NO mass transit from ANYWHERE that went even into Front Royal.

There is DEFINITELY no bus that stops near Linden. Greyhound may drive along Interstate 66*, but it will NOT make ANY stops except those on its schedule.

In other words, you'll have to use a shuttle.

* FYI - in the U.S., there are interstate roads, usually prefixed with the letter 'I', such as "I-95." Roads built by the federal government are prefixed by "U S," such as "US Highway 1" or just "US-1." Roads built by state funds or county funds have similar prefixes, such as "State Highway 12" and "County Road 100," and sometimes just "Virginia 12" or even "VA-12." It's VERY confusing, even if you've traveled these roads for DECADES.

Roger GoldenBear, I'll take the shuttle. I hope Trumbo Hollow and then going south will be as nice as starting already in Shenandoah.

07-04-2018, 15:58
I love Shenandoah! If you haven't been on the A.T., this is a great place to start!

07-05-2018, 11:19
tdoczy,hatchee, george, crushed grapes, old chief, flypaper, slo-goén, chknfngrs; Thank You very much guys, helping us decide. We'll land in DC, then try a shuttle to Front Royal, and sobo.

Any ideas for transportation, le us know.

Take Care

Front Royal is easily accessed by the Interstate Highway. For what it's worth, you'll be traveling mostly through SNP, which is fairly easy hiking compared to other parts of the trail. Plan on making good time. Rockfish Gap, at the south end of SNP is a good ending point, since it also is easily accessible by highway.

07-05-2018, 13:34
For what it's worth, you'll be traveling mostly through SNP, which is fairly easy hiking compared to other parts of the trail. Plan on making good time.

I hiked from Harper's Ferry to Rockfish Gap last October. A fantastic trip, and SNP was great...however be advised that "fairly easy hiking" is a very relative term, and your mileage may vary -- quite literally.

07-08-2018, 17:59
Front Royal is easily accessed by the Interstate Highway. For what it's worth, you'll be traveling mostly through SNP, which is fairly easy hiking compared to other parts of the trail. Plan on making good time. Rockfish Gap, at the south end of SNP is a good ending point, since it also is easily accessible by highway.
We'll have 11 full days on the trail from Trumbo Hollow sobo. Almost sure we'll pass Rockfish gap. Any suggestion to get out and go back to Washington? Maybe after Harpers Creek shelter around Nash on 56 hwy?

Crushed Grapes
07-08-2018, 19:40
We'll have 11 full days on the trail from Trumbo Hollow sobo. Almost sure we'll pass Rockfish gap. Any suggestion to get out and go back to Washington? Maybe after Harpers Creek shelter around Nash on 56 hwy?

That would be the Tye River intersection, which would put you around 3 hours drive from DC.

07-18-2018, 17:32
Just completed much of what GoldenBear suggested.
Fly DC. Virginia Breeze bus to Staunton. Shuttle (with Stanimal ) to Rockfish Gap.
11 days on the trail got us to Harper’s Ferry.
2 nights spent in town (Luray and Front Royal).
Amtrak back to DC.
Absolutely loved the experience and all travel arrangements really easy.
Seriously worth considering.

Crushed Grapes
07-18-2018, 19:04
Just completed much of what GoldenBear suggested.
Fly DC. Virginia Breeze bus to Staunton. Shuttle (with Stanimal ) to Rockfish Gap.
11 days on the trail got us to Harper’s Ferry.
2 nights spent in town (Luray and Front Royal).
Amtrak back to DC.
Absolutely loved the experience and all travel arrangements really easy.
Seriously worth considering.

That's awesome. Did you run into any Thru hikers? Figured a few had to be lagging behind.

07-18-2018, 20:59
We'll have 11 full days on the trail from Trumbo Hollow sobo. Almost sure we'll pass Rockfish gap. Any suggestion to get out and go back to Washington? Maybe after Harpers Creek shelter around Nash on 56 hwy?

I doubt you'd get cell service at the Tye river. You'd have to arrange for a pick up before you drop down off of Three Ridges. If your running behind schedule, the Devils Backbone brewery would be a good place to end the hike. Once you cross out of the park, the trail gets a bit more difficult.

07-19-2018, 04:21
Flying in and out of Washington DC, especially Dulles, is a good way to go. Suggest you use a shuttle to Luray VA and enter Shenandoah National Park - SNP - at Thornton Gap and head south. Lots of great views from the AT and overlooks. Two waysides within first 20 miles. You'll need a shuttle to get there. Check the list of shuttle providers on this website.

08-25-2018, 19:39
VA was wonderful, really. Barred Owls, hawks, bears, and lots of rain ( even too much... )

Thank you all for the help and recommendations.

See you in the AT,

08-25-2018, 20:17
VA was wonderful, really. Barred Owls, hawks, bears, and lots of rain ( even too much... )

Thank you all for the help and recommendations.

See you in the AT,

SO, what did you end up doing? Inquiring minds want to know :)

08-25-2018, 23:37
SO, what did you end up doing? Inquiring minds want to know :)

Hi Slo,
We started in Trumbo Hollow sobo till Rockfish 9 days, after that my boys wanted to check d.c....But they loved the trail.

Meet nice people along the path, and were well treated at resupply points.

Besides florida trail, any suggestion not freezing in december/january ?

Will also need tips for Glacier next year, to avoid being frightened by Wayne....