View Full Version : pen mar park

05-20-2019, 09:27
Can you leave your vehicles at Pen Mar park, when hiking the AT for 3 days? I cant remember if they permit it.


05-20-2019, 09:46
There is a parking area outside the park across the street. I don't recall the specific rules of the park and I think there is a gate that would prevent your getting your car out after hours. But just outside the park, long term parking is available (I parked there for one night).

Clarification: there is no gate for the parking area outside the park. The gate is for getting into or out of the park (if I'm remembering correctly).

05-20-2019, 09:46
As I recall, there's a phone number to call for the park or the local jurisdiction that will take note of your vehicle info and they request you leave a matching note of your plans with the vehicle.

05-20-2019, 09:48

Gambit McCrae
05-20-2019, 11:20
I parked here for 5 days about 3 years ago. No fence or gate etc. I notified no one. I also have an AT sticker on my back window of my SUV so IMO if I am parked at an AT crossing/ parking, it is obvious I am hiking the AT.

05-20-2019, 16:28
Dirt parking lot across the street from park is good for AT hikets.