View Full Version : Bison charge, child very lucky to be alive

John B
07-24-2019, 08:13
Yellowstone Park.

Good grief.


07-24-2019, 08:32
Stupid tourists, they have always been a problem.

07-24-2019, 08:37
Stupid tourists, they have always been a problem.

Couldn't agree more

07-24-2019, 09:40
I wish more was shown on over-all what was going on.
I'm hearing lots of "Stupid tourists" type comments (and seen plenty of videos of people obviously being "stupid tourists").
But the limited scope of the video I saw made it look like there was simply a group walking along a trail, and when the bison got close enough to the trial, simply charged the nearest person on the trail that was walking by.

07-24-2019, 10:32
Stupid tourists, they have always been a problem.

It's not like there are a whole lot of non tourists in Yellowstone.

07-24-2019, 10:37
. . . there was simply a group walking along a trail, and when the bison got close enough . . .
If you're walking along a trail and that trail passes dangerously near a bison (or other dangerous animal for that matter), get the bleep off the trail and walk around it, or stop a safe distance away and wait for the bison to leave, or turn around and take a different trail!
AND, if you don't think the video shows a bison being harrassed, where was the person with the video camera located!!??

07-24-2019, 10:39
My Bison is really friendly, he just wants to play!


07-24-2019, 10:41
It's not like there are a whole lot of non tourists in Yellowstone.


same thing with the smokies........

at this point in time, everyone is a tourist....

while im not sure about yellowstone, i can take a guess------and with the smokies------there hasnt been anyone living inside the park since about 1999............

unless one wants to count the rangers who live there...............

07-24-2019, 10:42
AND, if you don't think the video shows a bison being harrassed, where was the person with the video camera located!!??

that's what i was wonderin as well-----if the proximity of the person taking the video might have spooked the bison...

the person who did the video, and just taking a guess here, appears to be off trail.......

07-24-2019, 10:43
If you're walking along a trail and that trail passes dangerously near a bison (or other dangerous animal for that matter), get the bleep off the trail and walk around it, or stop a safe distance away and wait for the bison to leave, or turn around and take a different trail!
AND, if you don't think the video shows a bison being harrassed, where was the person with the video camera located!!??
Yeah, even where she was hit was off the trail, although she may have landed on the trail.

07-24-2019, 10:56
that's what i was wonderin as well-----if the proximity of the person taking the video might have spooked the bison...

the person who did the video, and just taking a guess here, appears to be off trail.......
Yeah, another look at the video seems to indicate the photographer was WAY too close... sure he might have had a zoom lens, but the movement of the buffalo seems like part of what might have causes the buffalo to charge the girl was the buffalo moving away from the photographer.

Since the girl is off camera when the attack starts, you can't tell what part she might have played. Was she simply walking along the trail like you see the small group of people ahead of them on the trail, or was the girl (and two guys nearby) doing something to provoke the buffalo beyond simply walking the trail following the people in front of them.

Tipi Walter
07-24-2019, 11:00
I blame Yellowstone and the Park Service for allowing easy rolling access to dayhiking tourists. I.e.---too many roads and too much "industrial tourism".

Now the Park cops will probably---most certainly---kill the bison---when in fact the human crowds should be subdued with tranquilizer darts and relocated---out of the Park.


https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-d&biw=1280&bih=658&tbm=isch&sa=1&ei=bWs4XZesLsO45gKg-orIBw&q=traffic%20u.s.%20national%20parks%20congestion%2 0%20photograph%20bison%20image&oq=traffic%20u.s.%20national%20parks%20congestion% 20%20photograph%20bison%20image&gs_l=img.12...20473.70282..72749...0.0..0.195.2191 .40j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.FB-VdXfCmxU&ved=0ahUKEwjXlu6p4s3jAhVDnFkKHSC9AnkQ4dUDCAY&fbclid=IwAR1JSyj_LS_BfaydFcAe9nq6U-NKelD0XFmkx1X5_VfM8xpNywMXmBsWA3A

07-24-2019, 11:06
. . . the human crowds should be subdued with tranquilizer darts and relocated---out of the Park.
Can I volunteer for the relocation team? Maybe we should make this into a movie script kinda like Surviving the Game but the "winner" gets gored by the bison or eaten by the bear in the end.

07-24-2019, 14:08
I saw a report which said some 20 people were surounding the bison at close range. No doubt on a very hot afternoon.

Ever spend time in Yellowstone? It can get crazy with cars and RVs parked in the middle of the road and everyone out chasing the elk or bison or bears. And I bet it hasn't gotten any better in the 35 years since I spent time in the park.

My bison encounter story: I was booking up a trail which was grown in on both sides and therefore very narrow. Sort of unusual for out there. Anyway, I turn a corner and look up and I'm like 10 feet from the back end of a bison blocking the trail. What to do? Do I go up and slap it on the butt and hope it takes off? Or crash around in the brush around him? I decided it might be best to go around :)

07-24-2019, 14:17
Human behavior has consequences. What did the people do to provoke the charge? They were illegally too close to large dangerous wildlife as is clearly communicated umpteen times in YNP.

Ole ole ole ole ole

07-24-2019, 14:20
Do I go up and slap it on the butt and hope it takes off?

I'd pay to see that

07-24-2019, 14:25
Do I go up and slap it on the butt and hope it takes off?

a few years ago-----coming from new CS 88 in the smokies-----i came across a sleeping bear just off the trail a touch.....

it was curled up on the ground...

i yelled and screamed at it for a while to see if it would move.....

it woke up just enough to look at me and then putting head down to continue curling up and sleep.....

but, i could have walked up to it and slapped it on the butt............

07-24-2019, 14:31
a few years ago-----coming from new CS 88 in the smokies-----i came across a sleeping bear just off the trail a touch.....

it was curled up on the ground...

i yelled and screamed at it for a while to see if it would move.....

it woke up just enough to look at me and then putting head down to continue curling up and sleep.....

but, i could have walked up to it and slapped it on the butt............

We need to get a Selfie to post on FB with you sitting atop one of GSMNP's elk.

Go on TN hiker. It a wont hart ya. Dant b are woozie. Naw geter on art's back. Ye e haw. Ride dat elk.

07-24-2019, 14:37
We need to get a Selfie to post on FB with you sitting atop one of GSMNP's elk.

Go on TN hiker. It a wont hart ya. Dant b are woozie. Naw geter on art's back. Ye e haw. Ride dat elk.

i'll consider that the next time im in the Park...

does remind me of a wedding that i went to in college with my girlfriend at the time-----it was one of her relatives..........and she had "country" relatives.........

where drinking was more than a sport..............and i also drank pretty good back then....

wedding was at an elk lodge and there was a more than life sized statue of an elk out front...

and the joke between me and some of her cousins and uncles is that we would be so messed up that we would be riding that elk at the end of the reception...

wedding was during day......

and my drinking continued throughout the night and we got pulled over in a small PA town at midnight for going 5 over the speed limit..

thankfully, she had stopped drinking but i was snookered....

and underage.............

so i got a ticket for that...........the cop had to help me into his car to go to police station to do breath analyzer...

blew a 0.28 that night......

07-24-2019, 17:07
We aren’t giving the bison credit. He could easily have killed the child. An unknown person in our yard makes my dog protective, but not aggressive or violent. My dog knows to give a child way more leeway than an adult. Perhaps bison do too.

It seems the bison got annoyed with the closeness of all the human critters near his herd.The bison could have easily trampled the child, but he knocked it out of the way kind of saying “get out of my space!l”

That child’s parents apparently ran faster then their offspring, which is very disheartening. Bison surround and protect their young.

I hope the animal isn't put down because of human stupidity. I’m grateful the young girl is ok.

BTW, this morning I saw the video on HLN, videoed it and sent it to my son with caption “don’t harass the locals” We visited Yellowstone last year and were amazed at how foolish people were around wildlife.

07-27-2019, 10:54
I live by Yellowstone, so get information about this sort of thing in the local news. This event was on trails in the Old Faithful area. When bison get in the way of travel at the thermal areas, often/usually rangers try (demand) to get people to either wait or turn around. Getting off trail in thermal areas is as dangerous as annoying the animals. There are so many people doing so many stupid things in the big site-seeing areas, there aren’t enough rangers to keep people “kind of” safe. Further, there is a much higher percentage of inexperienced people who would have no earthly idea of what to do about a large animal on the trail, on the trails near Old Faithful/Norris/Mammoth, than in other areas of the park. I’ve watched the video 10 or so times, partly wondering when I’m going to see a similar event play out in person. I’m not sure if the people running to the right are the kid’s parents but I’ve heard many people blame them for running away and leaving the child. I would think having a kid in the thermal areas would be terrifying, if they truly knew the danger. If the child’s hat blows off and they go off to retrieve it, they can break through the crust and die in a flash. It seems to be hard for folks to understand just how dangerous the thermals are, AND, just how dangerous the wildlife is. When I hike in the backcountry, I try to be aware of bears, but my concern is about bison.

They are not going to put the bison down. It was just doing what bison do.

07-28-2019, 08:41
Large herbivores are "under-rated". They don't eat meat (us), right? When we think of dangerous animals we tend to think of the predators like bears, lions, and wolves. But you're many times more likely to be inured or killed by a moose or bison (US/Canada), or a hippo or buffalo (Africa), or even a domesticated cow (anywhere) - than lions, tigers and bears, Oh my! Then there's the whole doggone mans best friend thing to consider.