View Full Version : Sold Out Spam

Mother Natures Son
09-25-2019, 19:14
Pumpkin Spice Spam has sold out IN Hours, at many places! (No I'm not kidding!) Walked into a store the other day and they have Pumpkin Spice scented napkins, cups, and anything else you can think of. What's this world coming to? Is there nothing in the marketplace that can't have the attachment of Pumpkin Spice whatever? Imagine there's some diabolical marketeer trying to come up with a body spray that's of course Pumpkin Spice. No longer will you have that hiker funk, yes, you can go down the trail with your head held high smelling like Pumpkin Spice LOL.

09-25-2019, 19:21
Here ya go....

https://www.ulta.com/pumpkin-spice-fragrance-body-mist?productId=pimprod2007803&sku=2543039&cmpid=PS_Non!google!Product_Listing_Ads&cagpspn=pla&CATCI=pla-565310954572&CAAGID=39172131008&CAWELAID=330000200001797441&CATARGETID=330000200001791541&CADevice=c&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIiP_Jto3t5AIV0ODICh3BlQVPEAQYAiAB EgK0TvD_BwE

09-26-2019, 07:08

Time Zone
09-26-2019, 07:21
Pumpkin Spice Spam has sold out IN Hours, at many places! (No I'm not kidding!) Walked into a store the other day and they have Pumpkin Spice scented napkins, cups, and anything else you can think of. What's this world coming to? Is there nothing in the marketplace that can't have the attachment of Pumpkin Spice whatever? Imagine there's some diabolical marketeer trying to come up with a body spray that's of course Pumpkin Spice. No longer will you have that hiker funk, yes, you can go down the trail with your head held high smelling like Pumpkin Spice LOL.

A snarky reply came to my mind quickly as I read your first sentence: "And nothing of value was lost". Spam is Exhibit A in what hiker hunger can do to your gustatory judgment.

Then I got to your last sentence, and thought, "What could possibly go wrong?"