View Full Version : Best Technique for 2 Tree Food Hang?

03-10-2006, 21:59
What is the best technique to hang your food bag on a line between two trees - assuming a minimum bag height of 12 feet?

03-10-2006, 22:25
What is the best technique to hang your food bag on a line between two trees - assuming a minimum bag height of 12 feet?

Here's a technique from the gallery.


03-10-2006, 23:14
Cool! Thanks.

Pacific Tortuga
03-10-2006, 23:37
What is the best technique to hang your food bag on a line between two trees - assuming a minimum bag height of 12 feet?

neo,I do not think a bear has ever touched him but he was mistook for a nut by a squirrel a few times. :cool:

03-10-2006, 23:50
Technique, I think, is obvious from the wonderful illustration. A couple of things I have discovered might come in handy. The first point and I think the most important is the choice of rope...I can save you several ounces with 3 words: masons string line. This is available at any home depot/lowes/walmart. I can't say enough about the stuff, strong as hell, thin as 3 threads braided together and ultralight, yet I can literally hang from it, I'm 180lbs. The stuff won't tear on rough bark and it lasts forever.

Secondly, a new toy I just recently acquired is the equinox bear bag made of sil nylon...but it's the acessories with this bag I like the most. It comes with a thingy called a rock-it launcher which is essentially a little pouch in which you can put a rock or a handful of dirt and slingshot over your target tree limb. Saves a lot of tying rope around rocks...cool stuff. Hope this helps. By the way I haven't a clue where you can get the equinox bag...I got it on ebay.

papa john
03-11-2006, 08:17
Has your mason's line ever got caught up in the bark of a tree? Seems like the thinner line would work it's way into the nooks and crannies and get hung up.

03-11-2006, 08:58
Has your mason's line ever got caught up in the bark of a tree? Seems like the thinner line would work it's way into the nooks and crannies and get hung up.

I would expect that anything much thinner than P-cord (including mason's line) would cut into the bark of the tree branch, thus killing the branch.

03-11-2006, 09:03
Never caught up, and I have to seriously doubt that I ever killed a branch...although I guess I don't know for sure.

03-11-2006, 09:30
its not like the bear bag weighs 50 lbs and will cut into the bark.. maybe if the branch was 100ft up and you pulled the mason cord 90ft this might cut into the branch. it might cut the branch off if it is not thick enough.. a little sarcasm for you all...