View Full Version : KMZ or KML file of AWOL?

03-02-2020, 00:52
I've found a kml file of the entire AT that also has the shelters in their geographic position as well. The shelters have associated metadata. However the metadata is missing the milepost of the shelter NOBO or SOBO. Using Google Earth one can edit that data but it is a timely fix. What I'm interested in is to know if there is a KML or KMZ file with 1.) each milepost; and, 2.) the other data that is in the AWOL guide. I may be asking for the moon here but if anyone knows if it's available please let me know. I've searched all evening and have not found it online or in this forum; or, used the right words to find it. Any help is appreciated.

03-02-2020, 21:05
Shelter mile data exists in this data set: https://tnlandforms.us/at/googleat.php?lat=39.8&lon=-77.48&scale=6
Parking is in this data set: https://tnlandforms.us/google.php?lat=38.76&lon=-78.272&scale=6&trk=at/atall+atparking
