View Full Version : Crazy video of Cougar encounter in Utah

10-15-2020, 10:25
Amazing that this trail runner kept his head. I'm not sure I would have. Definitely would need to change my shorts after that.


10-15-2020, 11:00
Holy crap!! That's the craziest, scariest cat video I've ever seen!! If that guy backing up would have tripped and fell it would have been game on he would have been catnip!! He kept talking to the cat like he understands English and backing up s-word, f-word come on dude stop!! I cannot imagine being in that position but you have to stand your ground and be big and yell right? Kinda like fending off a black bear? Went on for 6: 16 minutes a long time. The couple times that cat charged and stopped that guys super lucky and probably had to get the wipes out and clean his drawers after that!!

10-15-2020, 11:06
Which is why I always carry pepper spray. And not the watered down stuff for bears, the stronger spray for humans.


Easy to armchair quarterback here, but why didn't he throw rocks at the cat? Huge stones were all around him.

10-15-2020, 11:24
Easy to armchair quarterback here, but why didn't he throw rocks at the cat? Huge stones were all around him.

Not sure, but late in the video he mentions that every time he broke eye contact, the cat would charge. Hard to locate a rock when you can't see it.

10-15-2020, 12:07
....Easy to armchair quarterback here, but why didn't he throw rocks at the cat? Huge stones were all around him.
I watched this video on Facebook and there were comments that every time he tried to bend over to grab a rock, the cat responded aggressively.

10-15-2020, 13:26
I thought I had read that by the end of the video, he finally got the cougar to turn back by throwing a rock at him.

Got to admit that I don't know how well I would have managed in a similar situation, but just about ALL of the body language of the cougar was simply trying to get the guy to leave... for example, when the cat arches it's back like house cats do when scared to make them look as big as possible.

Time Zone
10-15-2020, 14:14
Which is why I always carry pepper spray. And not the watered down stuff for bears, the stronger spray for humans.

That's not always the case ... my bear spray is 2.00% major capsaicinoids, my pepper spray is 1.33%.

Heck of a video. Practice your throwing! Ever seen the one where Skurka had thrown a hiking pole at a grizzly?

10-15-2020, 15:09
Or how about homemade wanderlust (Dixie) video i think the CDT.She came around the corner to a mountain lion standing on the trail about 40' away . She was talking in the video about what to do ,then she blew into her harmonica the cat just looked at her unimpressed. And after a long couple minutes the cat walked down the trail the Same way she was going.

10-15-2020, 15:30
Bear spray and pepper spray are the same thing. Different manufacturers make it in different concentrations but bear spray goes further and you have more of it. Pepper spray for man goes like 10 feet. No way I let a predator charge me to within 10' if I see it coming.

I carry bear spray out west, and always carry a .40 or .45 semi-auto pistol. I large knife would work but you are getting injured too. At least put down the phone and pick up a large rock in each hand.

Five Tango
10-15-2020, 17:04
Cat ran when the rock was thrown.I hope the hiker learned to be a little more prepared next time.Thank Goodness he recorded it on his phone and posted it on Social Media!

10-15-2020, 18:34
the video starts off with the guy recording and walking towards the babies... there's the #1 lesson to learn here.

Five Tango
10-16-2020, 07:38
the video starts off with the guy recording and walking towards the babies... there's the #1 lesson to learn here.

You're right.Happened so fast I thot the cat in the first couple frames was the same one that followed him.I would love to know how much of the initial encounter was edited out of the footage.

10-16-2020, 11:41
Didn't discern the kitten till you pointed it out. Talk about a world of difference.

It seems like kitten #2 ran after him too.

10-16-2020, 12:21
Yup I too didn't notice the babies the first time I watched untill LazyLightning pointed it out . That was a huge mistake on his part by keeping walking towards them kittens . Yes kitten #2 ran after him! That's when parental protection took over like any good parent would do. Very good thing for the hiker the big cat wasn't in a bad mood or extremely hungry.

10-16-2020, 12:32
The young man says at the end that he got too close to the cubs. I'm not an expert by any means but it looks as the mother saw him more as a threat than a potential prey. Anyhow, it was a close call and I'm glad that nobody got hurt.

10-17-2020, 11:02
46818Interesting posture to frieghten you off. Not an attacking posture, just wanted to say "stay away from my family" :-)

10-17-2020, 11:43
46818Interesting posture to frieghten you off. Not an attacking posture, just wanted to say "stay away from my family" :-)

Right at that moment major shart.....

10-17-2020, 14:01
Cat got your tongue?

10-18-2020, 13:41
Cat got your tongue?

I think these cats are scarier, in fact, I have had a few. Notice, I didn't say I owned a few cats. No one owns a cat. They consent to live in your house, eat your food, and receive your adoration, if they happen to be a good mood at the time! (Of course, they can always be bribed with tuna fish! :rolleyes: )

10-18-2020, 15:53
We have a union, see my Steward with complaints

10-18-2020, 17:05
Escorted out of the area by the cougar. They're a common siting on the West Coast Trail (Vancouver island), but most encounters likely aren't that creepy.
Good job carefully backing up for so long!

10-22-2020, 14:57
We have a union, see my Steward with complaints

Steward seems to have that aristocratic priviledged "I'm better than you! " look in eyes. :rolleyes: :)

10-23-2020, 06:36
Steward seems to have that aristocratic priviledged "I'm better than you! " look in eyes. :rolleyes: :)
His aristocratic British accent completes that look as well.