View Full Version : Section Hike in September

03-19-2021, 10:35
Howdy, y'all. :) I'm planning on hiking the GA section in September (8/28 to 9/7), from Springer Mtn to the NC border. Currently, I have a 35* sleeping bag. Will that be warm enough, ya think, or do I need to get something warmer to be on the safe side?

03-19-2021, 10:38
That should be fine for that time of year.

03-19-2021, 10:41
Thanks! :-):D

Gambit McCrae
03-19-2021, 12:15
You will probably burn up in a 35*. You could get by with a fleece bag if you wanted to save some weight

03-19-2021, 18:13
Every year is different but on average, that time of year, you would probably be lucky if it got below 60F on that section of trail.

Dan Roper
03-19-2021, 20:43
Every five or ten years, Georgia gets an unseasonal cool spell in late August that might drop temps into the 50s (or conceivably the 40s). The rest of the time, it'll be upper 50s or 60s for lows in the mountains. It's summer humidity and usually dry. Water and yellow jackets may be concerns, as might be thunderstorms and the occasional viper (that's their peak season for moving around and getting cranky, though it's pretty rare to come across one on the trail).

03-20-2021, 16:13
We did that section in Nov. last year andhad most nights in the upper 50s.

As has been said, every year is different, but at that time you should be good.

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