View Full Version : Sawyer Mini and Evernew Water Bag threads

06-19-2021, 14:35
Any updated compatibility issues with Sawyer Mini threads attaching to dirty water

Reason I am asking is the threads between a new mini and my old (5 yeas +/-) Evernew water bag don’t work well together. The old bags fit perfectly on an older model mini. Odd.

Were there any changes in recent years to the threads?

More importantly, any recommends for makes of dirty water bags to use with new minis (will be used with existing gravity feed system)?

06-19-2021, 19:11
USPS just dropped off brand new 900ml and 2000ml Evernew bags at my door. I bought them from Antigravitygear. I purchased a new Sawyer Mini from Walmart about 1.5 months ago. Threads right up no issues.

All though a touch heavier than Evernew/Platy bags.. lots of folks enjoying what CNOC has to offer as well.

06-20-2021, 10:16
USPS just dropped off brand new 900ml…

Do your mini filters screw tightly onto a SmartWater bottle?

The much older mini I have (the one that works with the Evernew Bags) fits onto a SmartWater Bottle perfectly. The Minies I bought a couple years ago and definitely do not screw onto a SmartWater bottle properly — visibly courser thread.

My dilemma is whether I should get new Mini Filters or new green water bags.

If yours fit on a smart water bottle, I will buy some newer filters.

06-20-2021, 10:29
Just compared the threading on the Sawyer supplied bags. Now I just have to figure out if the ones they are selling now are designed for the finer threads.