View Full Version : Something Bad Happened on the PCT

06-19-2021, 15:41
Sad news from the Pacific Crest Trail. A female hiker died. The article talks about "injuries" but the hiking partner of the dead hiker said she passed out while hiking and it was heat related. She posted this information on Facebook as well as an image of her Reddit post. I sure wouldn't want to be out there right now with the current heat wave persisting out west.

News Article (https://nbcpalmsprings.com/2021/06/16/hiker-dies-near-anza-another-hospitalized/?fbclid=IwAR2iKL52DXrtw7sXY7dY8d_hsMUZ8uldpZgOhtzE 8aLROEdkyLY1HtUSNbA)
https://scontent-mia3-2.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/200619899_10219269971120752_796595041088130738_n.j pg?_nc_cat=109&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=dbeb18&_nc_ohc=x5wQGT3Vwe0AX87UJC7&tn=6djhU8Go4clDzKgm&_nc_ht=scontent-mia3-2.xx&oh=428e314c84268e8dfd76324773835e83&oe=60D39E8B

06-19-2021, 16:08

Quote from above article:

“Captain Nathan Gunkel of the Palm Springs Fire Department told News Channel 3's Jake Ingrassia (https://kesq.com/about-us/news-team/reporters/2019/10/31/jake-ingrassia/) that the department has conducted 30 hiker rescues over the past 30 days”

06-19-2021, 16:31
Very sad… that area was hot and exposed when I hiked it in mid April several years ago. Must be brutal in June in general and especially this year. I remember night hiking to Paradise Cafe to beat the heat and stay ahead of the smoke from a nearby fire.

06-19-2021, 19:12
I wouldn't want to be hiking anywhere out west these days.

06-20-2021, 08:27
In my emergency medical training, we referred to heat and cold injuries often.

Your body's cooling system must be well-maintained and well-supported in these temps, if you must be exposed to them. Hydration, diet, and resting in a shelter with a breeze could be critical. Awareness and treatment come from training and experience.