View Full Version : The Jack Tarlin Hostel (Baltimore Jacks) is now permanently closed

08-22-2021, 23:37
Here is a post from Ron Haven.

Attention A T Hikers. I sold the Jack Tarlin Hostel (Baltimore Jacks) and it will be permanently closed as of today (08/21/2021). I have sold all the motels in Franklin and Georgia. I do have other properties in Franklin I could use as a hostel if we decide later to open a hiker business. We may even buy a motel in Gatlinburg, TN. We are considering buying a house in Arizona or Texas to live in part time. Thank all of you for giving me the chance to serve each one of you throughout all these years and God Bless.


08-23-2021, 08:16
thanks ron for all your help over several trips to franklin. the trail will miss you and your family.
good luck in whatever you choose. the wife thanks you for the biscuit recipe you told her on the bus ride into town.
best wishes jigsaw and just helen