View Full Version : Jerky availabiliity

09-09-2021, 20:17
When I did two weeks NOBO on the Long Trail a few years ago, I was able to get jerky at resupplies in town.

Can I rely on finding jerky for the majority of my 2022 AT thru-hike or should I plan on ordering it from amazon and shipping to hostels and hotels as I go?

I like the amazon jerky more, since it is just beef and salt, but if there were reliable supplies in towns, that would be a lot more convenient.

(I know that I do well with jerky and fat as my hiking foods, so please, I am not asking for dietary advice.)

09-09-2021, 20:44
Yes more convenient but you'd save a ton of money ordering from Amazon, yes?

Gambit McCrae
09-10-2021, 09:22
I make my own jerky when i can (75% of the time) and I would say that premaking the jerky for an entire thru hike, and having someone mail you the jerky care packages would be an option to both improve the quality as well as reduce the cost!

09-10-2021, 10:07
When I resupplies on my AT Thru I would always pick up a bag of jerky. That would be my treat coming into town towards my next resupply. I called that day into town beef jerky day and it was a mini celebration to tare into that bag I've been carrying around.

I don't recall even having a problem finding a bag, and at most resupplies it's standard to have it, supermarket, gas station/convience stores, outfitters, and dollar generals all have it in abundance. The only time you may not find it would be at hostels who have minimal resupply and in places with no other options around. It makes sense too as it's pretty pricy as it is and there is only so much they can mark it up before it's out of reach for hikers. For the most part, if you want to have jerky and you are at a resupply it's going to have it.

09-10-2021, 10:46
The standard caveat applies, all bets are off once you leave Gorham NH. Unless you want to go on a multi hour resupply trip, the resupply points are small rural stores with far less inventory. If you do want a 2 hour detour in the Presidential's, about 1 hour south of the AMC Pinkham Notch facility (right on the AT), there is the Mt Washington Jerky Company. Its an easy hitch.

09-10-2021, 21:40
Thank you for the informative responses. That's exactly the kind of stuff I wanted to know.