View Full Version : Catholic Mass

Huzzah Hiker
02-16-2022, 21:00
I'm planning a flip-flop thru-hike in 2023. While on the trial, I am planning to attend weekly Catholic Mass. I have found some information in this forum and online regarding churches close to the AT. I am contacting all these churches to get additional information such as Mass and confession times. I'm also inquiring if these parishes or it's parishioners would offer shuttles, provide shower or laundry services, or places to camp or stay. My goals is to compile all this information and make it available to other hikers, possibly even create an app. I would like to hear from other hikers who are interested in this information or has ideas on the best way to make it available.

02-17-2022, 12:46
I am contacting all these churches to get additional information such as Mass and confession times. I'm also inquiring if these parishes or it's parishioners would offer shuttles, provide shower or laundry services, or places to camp or stay. My goals is to compile all this information and make it available to other hikers, possibly even create an app.

Good luck on your worthy project. You're off to a good start!

02-17-2022, 15:26
There’s an old thread regarding this here https://www.whiteblaze.net/forum/showthread.php/57195-Catholic-Mass-in-the-NE with a few links. Kind of old but it might help.

02-17-2022, 16:06
I remember when I was a kid being on camping trips in Maine and my dad packing everything up and driving all the way out to attend mass. This was the spark to set off my questioning about religion. It might be good to see if maybe you can bring some blessed eucharists and water to stay on trail if the logistics were out of hand.

Huzzah Hiker
02-17-2022, 16:33
Thanks for the link, 4eyed buzzard. There is a lot of good information in it. I will see how much is still relevant.

BTW-I'm a big Beverly Hillbillies Fan too.

Huzzah Hiker
02-17-2022, 16:35

Thanks for the reply and idea.

02-17-2022, 16:58
I'm planning a flip-flop thru-hike in 2023. While on the trial, I am planning to attend weekly Catholic Mass. I have found some information in this forum and online regarding churches close to the AT. I am contacting all these churches to get additional information such as Mass and confession times. I'm also inquiring if these parishes or it's parishioners would offer shuttles, provide shower or laundry services, or places to camp or stay. My goals is to compile all this information and make it available to other hikers, possibly even create an app. I would like to hear from other hikers who are interested in this information or has ideas on the best way to make it available.

Great idea. My long-term goal is to do something similar with Orthodox Churches. I won't be able to do a thru-hike for several years, but that's the goal.

02-17-2022, 21:16
Good idea but VERY few priests, at least those that are legitimate, will allow one to bring the Blessed Sacrament with you and that does not fulfill the Holy Day of obligation. What you can do is request a dispensation from your pastor for those days you are likely to miss Mass.
Please contact me if you have any questions, I actually am very well informed on this topic and it is something I've contemplated when I get serious about my thru hike.

02-18-2022, 07:36

Lone Wolf
02-18-2022, 07:58
there's 9 churches in the trail town of Damascus. but not 1 Catholic church. there is one 10 miles away in Abingdon. i will give you a free ride when and if the time comes

02-18-2022, 09:33
The shelter on Priest mountain has a confession log but I believe it is non denominational.....

02-18-2022, 09:35
There is a Catholic Church in Cheshire Mass. not far from the trailhead. It's on Main Street.
They used to provide water and charging and camping outside the Church.
There is a new camping area just off the rail trail near the Highway Dept. grounds
Diana's Whip close by for food and drinks

02-18-2022, 12:07
In NY we have the Graymoor Spiritual Life Center, a Franciscan catholic ministry. As far as I know, they still allow hikers to camp on their property, among other services (water, shower, charging), but it would be a good idea to confirm. Also, I DWG, we have the Church of the Mountain (Presbyterian) that has a donation hiker hostel in its basement (shower, laundry, charging, etc.).

Huzzah Hiker
02-18-2022, 12:52
Lone wolf, frankly, Stephan & Mouser thank you for the reply and information. I’ll added it to the database.

02-22-2022, 21:10
There is a Catholic Church in Cheshire Mass. not far from the trailhead. It's on Main Street.
They used to provide water and charging and camping outside the Church.
There is a new camping area just off the rail trail near the Highway Dept. grounds
Diana's Whip close by for food and drinks

Just south of that in Dalton, you actually hike by the Catholic Church (St. Agnes), if that should happen to work better in scheduling. Also be sure to double check, as many churches (at least in this area) have cut back on Masses either due to lower attendance or lack of priests (where one may serve several parishes at the same time). Additionally, if you search for a map of dioceses of the USA, you can find one (I saw one via Wikipedia), which is probably a good start point to then find the sites for each of those dioceses that cover areas where the trail runs. One final (not as good) option - many (if not most) areas are still streaming masses online - if you wound up in an area where a church was not accessible that is an option also.

Huzzah Hiker
02-23-2022, 11:24
BillGr-thanks for the help. I have identified about 90 Catholic Churches in close proximity to the AT. I am in the process of contacting all of these churches with the intent of creating a database of Mass and confession times, along with other services like shuttles or camping that might be available. Right on, this database is a work-in-progress but I would be happy to share it. Anyone can send me a private message if interested. The big dream, is to build an app for Hikers with this information. I don’t know how to build an app but I’m working on it. Can anyone help me with building an app?

02-23-2022, 16:10
I'm planning a flip-flop thru-hike in 2023. While on the trial, I am planning to attend weekly Catholic Mass. I have found some information in this forum and online regarding churches close to the AT. I am contacting all these churches to get additional information such as Mass and confession times. I'm also inquiring if these parishes or it's parishioners would offer shuttles, provide shower or laundry services, or places to camp or stay. My goals is to compile all this information and make it available to other hikers, possibly even create an app. I would like to hear from other hikers who are interested in this information or has ideas on the best way to make it available.
Peace.You would be welcome to place the information in the Articles section (https://whiteblaze.net/forum/forumdisplay.php/364-Articles) here on WB.

Two Tents
02-23-2022, 18:43
My thoughts as well.

02-23-2022, 19:17
https://masstimes.org/That's pretty handy. If you zoom in enough the trail centerline will show on the map provided it is in the area. Same thing happens with Google Maps but the link you provided has other potentially helpful options.

Huzzah Hiker
02-23-2022, 22:40
I have used Masstimes.org when I travel. It does come in handy. I hope to provide additional information relevant to a thru hiker.

02-23-2022, 23:17
I’m working to be in town as many sundays as I can. My Bishop has granted dispensation, but I go to Mass because I need it, not because I have to.

Huzzah Hiker
02-28-2022, 22:04
Tabasco- I have the same plan with regards to being in town one Sundays. I'm working toward only resupplying once a week also. I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not.

03-08-2022, 10:15
I will be in Damascus VA all summer evangelizing healing & casting out demons stop and see me

Knoe Toes

03-13-2022, 12:57
I love this idea! If I ever thru hike the AT, getting to Mass each Sunday would be one of my biggest worries.

I think the easiest thing to do would be to compile all the information you find into a google spreadsheet, and share the link here or on other forums/AT groups. It would be easy for people to access, and easy for you to update as Mass times change.

But PM me if you want to make a website, I may be able to help.

03-13-2022, 20:20
I feel the need to add to this. I can see if you want to go to mass, BUT there sounds like an element of trying to exploit these people. It has happened over the years and the places that allowed hikers closed down because of this.