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View Full Version : The Lobstah goes for AT record in 07

Desert Lobstah
06-12-2006, 11:24
Now that I see that Squeaky is softer than I first thought!

Squeaky 2
06-12-2006, 11:34
put your feet where your mouth is and i will see you on Katadyn next june.

i will be out to try again next year, will you?

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-12-2006, 11:54
{In my best announcer's voice} And their off - away to a good start. Lobstah's out of the starting gate and p*ssing in the first lane. Squeaky is hot on his tail p*ssing in lane two. This is gonna be quite a race folks...

06-12-2006, 21:34
I don't know Lobsta's style but if he is a runner, once again we will(possibly) be able to see a race between a runner and a hiker. Last time of course it was between David Horton and Maineak and Horton (the "runner" ) won by 2 days. They both did it at the same time so it was easy to see who was winning all along.
I wonder if we shall see another race.
Anyone know Lobsta's credentials or experience?

06-12-2006, 21:43
I think Lobstah is just having some fun. I don't see any malice (or future race) in his statement. There's a big difference in my mind between joking (Squeaky soft?!!? LOL:D ) and a jealous floater spewing poop. :(

warren doyle
06-12-2006, 22:18
How about Mr. Objective Reality stating a fact:

Sub40AT = 1 Matt = 0 (as of June 10, 2006, stay tuned for updated

My new odds for the 2007 attempt:

Sub40 - 400 to 1
new AT record - 30 to 1

06-12-2006, 23:55
Thanks WD, for pointing out that Matt has yet to attempt his sub40 challenge. You are wise indeed. :-? Squeaky has had to postpone his attempt.
So...thank you:confused: for showing us all, another fine example of yourself. I've been disappointed before, it happens.:( So far the biggest disappointment I've experienced from our attempt: is you.:(
I hope that changes in the future.....

06-13-2006, 00:02
400 to 1????? It will be tough for Squeaky, but honestly Warren, 400 to 1??? What were your (Warren Doyle) odds for Matt's unsuported TC calander year?? Since you seem to be so quick to shoot the odds...Lets here your opinion on this hypothetical... since thats all this is really about.. a hypothetical.. what if you attempted the sub40 or sub 47??? What would your odds be on Warren Doyle destroying the record?? Seems as though the only thing that held him back this year was a poor choice in footwear....Makes me wonder what is holding the rest of us from smashing some of our own challanges in life.. From the research I've done on "the dude," I'd say he's got a great shot at acomplishing his mission..
What say you Warren Doyle??

Tin Man
06-13-2006, 00:17
WD's odds are meaningless as he has yet to display any science behind them and he won't put his money where his mouth is - ignore him.

ed bell
06-13-2006, 00:19
What were your (Warren Doyle) odds for Matt's unsuported TC calander year?? I asked him this and he repied that he had not been following Matt's attempt at the triple crown until he hit the AT, and he is interested in only records involving the AT. I wouldn't put any stock in his "odds" though. He does not gamble with money.:sun

06-13-2006, 00:23
400 to 1????? It will be tough for Squeaky, but honestly Warren, 400 to 1??? What were your (Warren Doyle) odds for Matt's unsuported TC calander year?? Since you seem to be so quick to shoot the odds...Lets here your opinion on this hypothetical... since thats all this is really about.. a hypothetical.. what if you attempted the sub40 or sub 47??? What would your odds be on Warren Doyle destroying the record?? Seems as though the only thing that held him back this year was a poor choice in footwear....Makes me wonder what is holding the rest of us from smashing some of our own challanges in life.. From the research I've done on "the dude," I'd say he's got a great shot at acomplishing his mission..
What say you Warren Doyle??Why is everyone so riled about oods? They're just opinions. What are your odds for someone doing a sub40? Just curious - I promise not to go ballistic if you post them.

06-13-2006, 00:46
The "odds for someone doing a sub40," depends on who is attempting it. Mr. Doyle places Squeaky's odds at 400 to 1.. which means nothing to me, however, by placing such an outrageous spread, I am assuming that means Warren doesn't think he will make it.. which is a fine opinion, but to say 400 to 1?? Personally, I think that the odds that alien life will/already has landed on Earth is about 400 to 1....Squeaky completing sub 40??? I don't even know where I put the odds on that, but I wouldn't bet on it either way.. just not how I roll.. I think it is possible for Matt, if the stars align and all goes well, or close to it... He won't fail due to lack of support, thats for sure...The team, as he's said, is vitale and must be well oiled.. He's got an edge there, and there is no doubting Squeaky's athletic prowress.. I think Warren just generally thinks (I could be mistaken, although I believe I read this somewhere,) that the sub40 is impossible... I hope it is not impossible..

Just Jeff
06-13-2006, 10:54
Well, if you're not willing to back it up with anything, I think it's pretty yellow to put someone down like that, from behind a keyboard no less.

If you're willing to back it up, and you're not just saying it to bring somebody down, it's a different story. So, Warren, at those odds I'll bet you $10...I could use 4 grand. Put up or shut up.

06-13-2006, 11:10
Warren's a cheapskate. But there are other things besides money. I'll bet you a day without logging in here to WB Warren. That would be for your 400:1 odds. For your 30:1 odds, I'll bet a week.

06-13-2006, 11:29
Isn't it funny how some self-aggrandizing windbag posts in an effort to belittle someone else's accomplishments and in so doing manages to highjack yet another thread and make it about himself? I don't care about "odds", but I would say Squeaky has the cojones to do it if anyone out there does. I think he more than proved himself with the TCCY. And with support like Nean and LWolf, he's in an even better position to accomplish what most of us would never consider possible.

To those who would choose to criticize or doubt Squeaky, you might take a few minutes to read Theodore Roosevelt's thoughts on "The man in the arena". I think TR said it best.

Dances with Mice
06-13-2006, 11:40
Why is everyone so riled about oods? They're just opinions. What are your odds for someone doing a sub40? Just curious - I promise not to go ballistic if you post them.Giving an opinion is way different than giving odds. An opinion, with or without factual backup, can be debated and examined. There is no such way to debate 'odds'.

Actually, there is....any "odds" without monetary backup can be ignored since they are just imaginary numbers. Might as well make it '217.8177 gadjillion to 1'. It's totally meaningless.

warren doyle
06-13-2006, 12:11
Since people equate numbers/odds with gambling/money, and that is not my intent (as I've previoulsy posted). Therefore, I will use 'words' to clarify/support the numbers.

It is my opinion, based on my over 30 years of interest and/or experience concerning long distance endurance hikes on the AT and LT, that Matt's stated goal of doing the trail in under 40 days, rather than just shortening the existing record, is different than his TCCY in what it will take to accomplish it. Just because someone has set a record of how many apples they have eaten in one calendar year doesn't mean that they can set a record on how many oranges they can eat in a shorter amount of time.

This record attempt is very public. When one goes public, especially with a confidence that appears to not show a respect/humility towards the trail or for the folks who came before, one can expect some critical scrutiny/questioning.

The original question remains the same, "Can a biped physically traverse the entire Appalachian Trail in under 960 hours?" My answer is still "Highly unlikely." However, nothing is impossible, hence the 400 to 1 odds.

It will be interesting to see as time develops if Matt will remain steadfast in his sub40 challenge. The risk of "all or nothing" is getting nothing rather than something.

So, by next September, will Matt be known for his TCCY success and his two failed attempts at a sub40 AT hike? or for being the new AT endurance record holder? or a crippled walker whose long distance endurance hiking days have prematurely ended.

I will stay tuned to this unfolding saga, regardless of how others feel about the message and/or the messenger.

Just Jeff
06-13-2006, 13:38
Who says it's all or nothing? He still spent time in the woods, he still challenged himself, he still learned something for the next attempt, and he apparently still doesn't pay much mind to the people trying to belittle him or his accomplishments. Sounds like something to be proud of to me, even if it's not my style of hiking.

Echo the Teddy Roosevelt sentiments.

06-13-2006, 17:24
Per D'artagnan

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat. "

very appropriate

Squeaky 2
06-14-2006, 04:34
Since people equate numbers/odds with gambling/money, and that is not my intent (as I've previoulsy posted). Therefore, I will use 'words' to clarify/support the numbers.

It is my opinion, based on my over 30 years of interest and/or experience concerning long distance endurance hikes on the AT and LT, that Matt's stated goal of doing the trail in under 40 days, rather than just shortening the existing record, is different than his TCCY in what it will take to accomplish it. Just because someone has set a record of how many apples they have eaten in one calendar year doesn't mean that they can set a record on how many oranges they can eat in a shorter amount of time.

This record attempt is very public. When one goes public, especially with a confidence that appears to not show a respect/humility towards the trail or for the folks who came before, one can expect some critical scrutiny/questioning.

The original question remains the same, "Can a biped physically traverse the entire Appalachian Trail in under 960 hours?" My answer is still "Highly unlikely." However, nothing is impossible, hence the 400 to 1 odds.

It will be interesting to see as time develops if Matt will remain steadfast in his sub40 challenge. The risk of "all or nothing" is getting nothing rather than something.

So, by next September, will Matt be known for his TCCY success and his two failed attempts at a sub40 AT hike? or for being the new AT endurance record holder? or a crippled walker whose long distance endurance hiking days have prematurely ended.

I will stay tuned to this unfolding saga, regardless of how others feel about the message and/or the messenger.

I guess you will stayed tuned, cause it seems you have nothing to do each day but take the p*ss out of my son. Here you go again, putting your tuppence worth in when by the sound of the other WB'ers no-one gives a s*it about your opinion.
I will as I said before, and believe me I will be at Springer Mountain next year and the biggest Humble Pie I find you certainly will get it right in your face.
How dare you sit and push your opinion of my son into other peoples faces and you do not even know anything about him. Just taking up on his last years challange when he hit the AT was pathetic, he came through a hell of alot of challenges with the snows etc on the previous 2 trails and having to walk the miles he did and in the conditions that where thrown at him made him think walking the AT and with a crew for support and no heavy pack or town stops would be possible.
I have seen Matthews face since he has been home and he is so disappointed he is not out there doing what he said he would do, a year down the line, yes he will be fitter and stronger in mind, but a year is along time too wait when you really want to be out there doing what comes natural.
For you too go down the line, off will he be known for his TC and one failed attempt for the Sub 40 or known for his TC and 2 failed attempts of the Sub 40, all I can say without being too rude , is go and crawl into the little hole that you get out of each day and leave us all too have a conversation about hiking and possiblities without the whole thing being about you.
Actually when Matthew met you last year he said what a nice person you where, I am now wondering was it your twin brother he met as you do not seem to be fair or nice in my opinion.
Lets wait and see what Matthew proves before you go shouting you mouth off and lets not make his year harder than it is.

From a very caring Mum

Stef Go Squeaky Go, we know you can and will do it :banana

Squeaky 2
06-14-2006, 04:56
When one goes public, especially with a confidence that appears to not show a respect/humility towards the trail or for the folks who came before, one can expect some critical scrutiny/questioningnow you have over stepped the mark warren. to run me down because an injury stopped this years attempt is low, very low. but to make things up about me and to say that i have no respect or humility towards the previous and current record holders is riduclous. read my 2006 page on the website www.matthazley.com it clearly states how much respect i have for the current record. the only person showing no respect or humility is yourself. i am proud to say that i tried and i will be proud when i try again. you say you are so experienced on this subject, so i am confused as to why you wouldnt use your great knowledge to help me and my crew achieve our goal?

Squeaky 2
06-14-2006, 05:05
When one goes public, especially with a confidence that appears to not show a respect/humility towards the trail or for the folks who came before, one can expect some critical scrutiny/questioning.

now you have over stepped the mark warren. to run me down because an injury stopped this years attempt is low, very low. but to make things up about me and to say that i have no respect or humility towards the previous and current record holders is riduclous. read my 2006 page on the website www.matthazley.com (http://www.matthazley.com/) it clearly states how much respect i have for the current record. the only person showing no respect or humility is yourself. i am proud to say that i tried and i will be proud when i try again. you say you are so experienced on this subject, so i am confused as to why you wouldnt use your great knowledge to help me and my crew achieve our goal?

neighbor dave
06-14-2006, 05:09
you say you are so experienced on this subject, so i am confused as to why you wouldnt use your great knowledge to help me and my crew achieve our goal?

:-? that's easy to answer;

because with all the time he's spent wallowing in misery and discontent, he's become blinded by all the mullarky he's spewed.

Desert Lobstah
06-14-2006, 11:54

In 2007, I believe your odds are quite good to go under 40 days. Thus, I don't agree with Warren and the slim odds he has stated. It is well within the human endurance of a certain % of the population to go under 40 days.

Knowing Lone Wolf, that support team will be dynamite!

06-14-2006, 12:12
hey squeakies, get over yourself. if a sub40 was easy, people would do it all the time. no, it's not easy. it's very hard. it's unlikely (clearly) that anyone can do it. all warren is doing is pointing this out. it's not like he's calling you a dirty commie rat or anything

06-14-2006, 14:32
I semi-agree.. however, when someone with as much self-induced "celebrity" as Warren has accumulated, you hate to see him continue to dig himself further into this hole.. I mean if I say "I don't think Squeaky can do it".. no big deal.. But Warren, being who he is, and what he's accomplished, should not be acting like he is.. That would be like Willy May's telling Barry Bonds at the begining of his carreer, in a public statement, that he'll never catch Ruth, he's got 400 to 1 odds, and its damn near impossible, and he should expect to fail. Willy May's would take an awful lot of flack for words like that, however "true" they might be or sound at the time.. Believe you me, Warren is no Willy Mays, I understand this, however, I don't think he is behaving in a way that positively reflects his previous accomplishments, and I don't understand his motivations for doing so, maybe he dosn't give a rats ass, but thats what his words make him look like...That being said, Mingo, let him dig his hole...

06-14-2006, 14:52
I don't know this warren character nor do I know this Squeeky fella, but his mom sure can bring it.

06-14-2006, 15:36
I don't know this warren character nor do I know this Squeeky fella, but his mom sure can bring it.

Amen to that! She's my kind of lady. Cheers to you, mum!

06-15-2006, 00:59
And for me it has been fun :o The Wardrens will always be around. :welcome
What will really be fun is getting back out in 9,6oo hrs. and seeing what happens when Squeaky is 100%
It was a dream come true to live and work on the trail the last 2 years. It is time for me to earn a living. :eek: Next year is a break I can use. My thought now is to come out for traildays and go from there. Maybe I should ask, whens traildays next year? :confused:

06-16-2006, 12:07
I don't think Squeaky is doing this to show off...he simply wants to find the limits of his mind and body related to hiking the AT .

I think Squeaky is an incredible athlete (as are all thruhikers) and I wish him well.

I wish Squeaky would hike for a record with a loaded backpack so other AT hikers, who cared to, could have a somewhat better yardstick for comparison with their own hike.

But, Squeaky, do whatever you care to do and be assured that your Mom will always be with you to cheer you on. And we at WhiteBlaze will too, no matter what.
Warren will also, although odds are he may be genuinely more surprised than many at how superbly Squeaky can hike. .

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-16-2006, 13:50
...Makes me wonder what is holding the rest of us from smashing some of our own challanges in life.Excellent point. My docs didn't believe I'd ever backpack again (I asked the ortho for odds and he gave me 1000:1 :eek: ). I've backpacked for a short distance (4.4 miles) and believe I can do more with some much needed weight loss and training. I think many of the things we believe cannot be done are only out of our reach because we believe they can't be done.

Can Squeaky do a sub-40? I don't know, but I think based on his reputation that he would have a better chance of accomplishing this goal than 99.9% of the hiking population. Hiking 50+ miles a day - day after day after day - is going to be very hard on the body and I'm not sure any body can take that sort of strain. That being said, I have been wrong before and will certainly be wrong in the future. I sincerely hope Squeaky proves me wrong. He certainly has picked the best person to head his support team.

Squeaky 2
06-17-2006, 08:31
hey squeakies, get over yourself. if a sub40 was easy, people would do it all the time. no, it's not easy. it's very hard. it's unlikely (clearly) that anyone can do it. all warren is doing is pointing this out. it's not like he's calling you a dirty commie rat or anything

Matthew , Squeaky never said this challenge was easy by any means. He knows how hard and tough it will be, but he also knows if anyone can do it he can. He has the determination and willpower to overcome alot of things he sets out to do.

Last year when his dad brother and myself met him a few days before he finished the TC, We met him in the toilets in Fontana Dam and trust me a mums feelings where just come back to the hotel with us now as the state his feet and body where in, he had come through almost 8 months of shear hard walking through all the different terrains and weather cycles last year thrown at him, frost bite too his face etc etc anyone would have given up along time before all this, Matthew has the guts, courage and determination to carry on where all the naysayers would stop at the first bad weather. Or skip around to get too better weather.
If you read anything to do with Matthew you can see he never bums himself up he is a very unassuming guy with a massive heart, but alot of the hikers see what he is like and they and me are the ones so proud of him, so to say get over yourself is very poor comment, again one that would have come from Warren, you seem to be another pratt here on the WB's but I hope you don't start talking as much crap as he does.
Matthew will be back next year and show you how to do it under 40 days just for himself to prove he can.
He has never disrespected any other hiker and gives each one as much credit when they do the whole trail either in 47 days or 10 mths, it is a challenge everyone sets out to do at there own pace and he is certainly not trying to say " Hey look what I can do", and you can't", he appreciates every goal people set out to do, and when you do it, it gives you great pleasure and he knows how good they feel.
And let me assure you, if I thought WD was calling my son a commie rat I would be down on him like a ton of S**t.
You guys are the disrespecters here, not my son.

From the heart of a very caring mum.

Stef:p :p :p

06-17-2006, 08:44
Why is everyone so riled about oods? They're just opinions. What are your odds for someone doing a sub40? Just curious - I promise not to go ballistic if you post them.

Yo Frosty!

Hows the Leg Rehab going?
You getting back to the trail this year?
Or u waiting til next year & picking up there in Franklin?
...just curious

06-17-2006, 10:21
Well, if you're not willing to back it up with anything, I think it's pretty yellow to put someone down like that, from behind a keyboard no less.

I don`t think it`s a matter of putting "someone" down..I think it`s just a reflection of all the hardships..unknowns and uncontrollable elements that come into play..You could be the finest/faster hiker ever but that doesn`t take into account the weather..an unexpected fall or injury...wildlife/dog attack..illness..etc...I think to go "sub-40" there couldn`t be any problems of any sort....Think of it as a baseball player breaking the 56 game hit streak mark...You may put the odds of that at 400-1 or more..That`s not putting down all the great and hall of fame players out there that`s just accepting that there are countless outside influences that affect it.
Or maybe he was putting him down what do I know? :)