View Full Version : Bag rating and compression

01-10-2007, 14:41
I'll be going out for a weekend soon, and recently the temp has dropped dramatically here. I'd like to take my old 0 degree bag, but it's been rolled up in my closet for about two years with a bungee cord around the middle. It hasn't been in a bag, just rolled. Do you think its rating is still reliable, or is it no good after being rolled for so long. It's a TNF Cat's Meow (synthetic).

01-10-2007, 14:43
Unroll it, give it a good shake, let it loft. And see. The warmth really depends on the loft, and not much else.

John B
01-10-2007, 14:49
I actually have a little experience with this. I'd suggest that you put it in a clothes dryer (30 min., no heat) and toss in 4-6 tennis balls. The knocking about breaks up clumps of down and refluffs things.

01-10-2007, 16:07
After shaking it out it seems pretty thick and fluffy. I think I'll try the dryer idea anyway. It might not do much for the bag, but it'll freak out the kitties. :D

01-10-2007, 16:26
Hi Victoria,

The North face Cat's Meow I am quite certain is rated at 20F. You are wise to test it honestly before you head north.
My wife would not be warm at that rating below 35F. I tell her about eating and drinking water before going to bed to help keep warm but she won't drink because does NOT want to get up to P in the night.


01-10-2007, 18:03
It might not be a CM, then. I'm sure it's a 0 degree.

01-10-2007, 18:12
Sounds like a great opportunity to justify buying a new bag.

Perspective is important in these matters.

01-10-2007, 18:35
Sounds like a great opportunity to justify buying a new bag.

For what it's worth.... the four down bags I own are vintage 1972, 1988, 1990, 2006. All are still quite serviceable.