View Full Version : Hiking Companions

06-25-2003, 18:22
How many people do you like to hike with, including yourself?

06-26-2003, 15:55
Kerosene - Are you the Kerosene with Bud at Brinks Road shelter on Sunday, when I stopped by?

06-26-2003, 17:07
I like hiking alone. I also have one friend whose company I have very much enjoyed on our longer section hikes. And my daughter can hike with me whenever she wishes.

06-27-2003, 06:44
I like going out there with my son.
It's the only time he will stop and spend a minute with me at this age. (13).

Although I have had intentions of getting my whole Boy Scout troop out there, most boys these days find it boring to listen to the sounds of the woods and go for more than five minutes without a video game.
I do hike alone on day trips but like the comfort of someone I know near me over night.

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08-04-2003, 00:23
Love hiking with my dog. I hike with her and I also enjoy hiking with friends, some of whom also hike with a dog.

But I didn't have the opportunity to check "some of the above."


08-04-2003, 00:30
I'm a fairly solitary person and hike alone. That's not to say I wouldn't welcome company sometimes, and I've talked to great people on my trips.

08-04-2003, 00:35
I get some of my best day-dreams in while hiking "alone with my dog" -- Coosa

08-05-2003, 11:35
I hike with my husband, as he is the only person I have found that I can stand hiking with for more than 3 days in a row. Works out well that way.

08-05-2003, 12:23
I have always hiked with a buddy. I like the companionship and it strengthens the friendship we have. However, after following this forum for a while now, I am considering going on a solo trip or two. Just to see if I like going for a longer time by myself.

08-05-2003, 14:42

Having done week-long trips both solo and with a buddy or two, my preference is to "loosely" hike with someone who is self-sufficient. That way, I'm not constantly worrying about their ability to get to our eventual destination, yet every so often we hook up and enjoy the view or a meal together.

Last October I hiked with an experienced thru-hiker I met on this board and had a great experience. The year before, I did a week by myself and did just fine, but every so often it would have been nice to share the experience with someone.

07-13-2005, 13:26
I've always hiked with someone, either my wife, Tree, or my buddies, Gloucester, Kotaro, and Bad Bill.I would like to try it on my own sometime, I imagine that that much solitude would be nice.

07-13-2005, 16:10
Amen, ASM... boy do I hear you on the Scout thing. Like the boys, the girls also have an extremely short attention span (as well as a very low "ick" threshold) for outdoor adventures. However, I find that, when the girls get bored, they figure out ingenious new ways to hurt each other's feelings... while the boys figure out new ways to set fires! Your experience also?

Jane in CT

07-13-2005, 18:06
I typically like hiking alone, but I enjoy having somebody at the shelter or campsite at night for company. It is hard to have somebody who likes to hike at your pace, take the same length of breaks, etc.

I am looking to try a partner in New Hampshire in the late spring of '06 though, at least somebody to see at the end of the day!


Tin Man
07-13-2005, 19:05
I section hike with my brother. This works well for us because we have the same tastes and objectives (scotch and a fire at the end of the day). It also works well for sharing the SD Clip Flashlight cocoon for a tent that we carry. I have day hiked by myself and it works for me for short stretches, but I prefer hiking with a partner for company and safety.