View Full Version : Review my gear?

02-12-2007, 22:25
First list for gear - trying to go real light. i can hack any situation, PLEASE give me criticism, ideas, and links. thanks in advance.

My Gear List (http://theoutsider.hacked.in/permalink.php?ID=1)

02-12-2007, 22:44
Where are you going and what are you doing?

02-12-2007, 22:47
Where are you going and what are you doing?

See the 3rd last item in the list: "Plane Ticket 1 way to Peru" :rolleyes:

02-12-2007, 22:51
I would take more water and a ground cloth.

I would not take a big knife..

02-12-2007, 23:09
Depending on the area you are going to in Peru, some form of bug protection will be needed under the tarp.

Aren't some parts of Peru COLD, at least at night? Maybe add a jacket / fleece?

Stove (alcohol)? Fuel? (Denat alcohol)

Have fun!

02-12-2007, 23:20

My son spent ~12 weeks in Peru, Venezuela, & Bolivia this fall. ~8 weeks over 10K ft, jungle, beach, & desert. This following a summer in Denali, AK.

It's great to be young.

PM me your email & I'll ask him to contact you.


02-14-2007, 14:43
As for the big knife - it is a must traveling solo in rough areas. not taking my kbar but something a little lighter/smaller to carry on my high hidden. I have edited and uppdated the list, and I think that it is complete.

As for my plans, I plan on going to south america and camping and traveling everywhere, staying in lower altitudes and in warmer weather. Any other suggestions?

02-15-2007, 17:17
I'd be careful traveling as a foreigner in any country with a concealed weapon of any sort. And if you have to stab someone anywhere in South America you better be standing on the steps in front of a US embassy or it might turn into one helluva long trip.

I might regret asking but...Universal sink plug?

mountain squid
02-15-2007, 18:29
I am also uncertain as to what your intent is, nevertheless, here are my observations:

hiking poles - not only for hiking, but also for your tarp
any long pants?!?
2 t-shirts and 3 pair of undershirts?!?
don't need boxers or swimsuit with mesh shorts
how much water do your pouches carry?
windscreen to go with the stove mentioned by toddhiker
water filter/chemicals - you might need to boil also
bear bag/50' parachute cord
lose the deoderant and the laundry bag
hand sanitizer
get some Dr Bronners to replace the various soaps/detergents - it does everything
clothesline?!? - bear rope, yes
needle for draining blisters
duct tape

In the 2007 registry, you mentioned starting in ME, so additionally you will need:
Companion/Wingfoot for town data, water sources, camp sites, etc
again echoing toddhiker - bug protection (black flies are bad up North) and cold weather gear for the Whites (and probably ME) - definetely needed for the Whites

I also use an umbrella, but I don't suggest one for the Whites. It is too windy, among other things (cold, rainy, snowy, etc). I did survive last year with an umbrella and a wind shirt, but don't thing I would attempt it again with just that set-up. I'll say it again - the weather in the Whites is bad and can get worse in minutes...

sink plug might be for doing laundry in sinks?!?!

See you on the trail,
mt squid