View Full Version : Senseo coffee

02-20-2007, 19:50
Has anyone tried using the Senseo pods. I was hoping to use them like a tea bag. Your thoughts...

Farr Away
02-22-2007, 01:13
I have used pods (Millstone, not Senseo) just by pouring hot water over them in my cup. I do this at the office when I don't want to fuss with the coffee maker that sounds like a jet about to take off. You have to let them brew for a while (the color develops first - don't be fooled).

I haven't tried it on the trail though, so can't say anything about packing them out.

They are _not_ my preferred way to brew coffee, but they are better than instant.

02-22-2007, 06:06
yes, I've done this on the trail with millstones and the senseos, depending on which is better priced at the time--works just fine. Not the best cup of coffee, but gives me a better taste than the instant bags.

02-22-2007, 13:54
Thanks everyone! I will try it out and reply later. You gave me enough to go on...Thanks!

02-23-2007, 12:44
Just get a cheese cloth and put what ever coffee u want in it.. u can also use a stocking.