View Full Version : Hammock area for Trail Days

05-13-2007, 13:55
Took the (hopefully) attached photo a few hours ago of an area we've set aside for hammock hangers and White Blaze at Trail Days. If this isn't suitable there are plenty of trees left.

05-13-2007, 13:59
ok, didn't seem to attach. You can find it here:


05-13-2007, 16:26
Kudos to you Local. You seem to be doing a fantastic job.

Wish I could attend but this year is out; perhaps next year.

05-13-2007, 17:45
Thanks local! Keeping them all in one area makes them easier to hunt! See you soon. . .

05-13-2007, 17:45
Thank you Local. Will there be a WhiteBlaze sign marking the area for us?

05-13-2007, 18:55
Thank you Local. Will there be a WhiteBlaze sign marking the area for us?

Yeah, if you can call semi-legible scribbling on a sheet of typing paper tied to a tree a sign. We've got yellow tape up surrounding a fairly large area, but there might be better places.

The &*#! gnats are out again this year. Might want to bring some Off and a mesh covering.