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View Full Version : Hiking with Significant Other?

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-14-2007, 16:58
There is a lot of talk every year about spouses and hiking. I'd like to get an idea of how many of you hike with your spouse.

Lone Wolf
06-14-2007, 17:01
we ain't married, we been shackin' up for 7+ years, but me and gypsy hike together. that's how we met. in a month from now we're gonna go hike the long trail.

leeki pole
06-14-2007, 17:21
my wife prefers to shop and shuttle me around, but will do an occasional day hike.:rolleyes:

06-14-2007, 18:29
I've done both.

First time I set foot on the A.T.(late '90's)was with my wife. The last two years I've done mostly solo hiking due to her hip problems.

Last week she had total hip replacement surgery so maybe later on in the Fall she'll be able to join me on trail once again.

06-14-2007, 20:23
One of the best things about hiking is being out in the woods and experiencing it all with Snowman. I think I've only hiked a few times without him, and when he got hurt on the AT in '05, I decided to stop hiking too. While part of the point was to do the trail, the bigger point was to do it together.

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-14-2007, 20:53
One of the best things about hiking is being out in the woods and experiencing it all with Snowman. I think I've only hiked a few times without him, and when he got hurt on the AT in '05, I decided to stop hiking too. While part of the point was to do the trail, the bigger point was to do it together.This is how we feel. I can't imagine hiking without that cute male dino at my side.

Rain Man
06-14-2007, 21:22
Love hiking with my wife, but don't HAVE to.

How come the Poll only wants tent/hammock hikers? Don't any married people use shelters, etc???



Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-14-2007, 22:08
Now, now Rainman. Everybody needs to carry a personal shelter in case the shelter is full or they must stop before reaching a shelter.

BTW, I can hike without the male-dino. I just don't want to.

06-15-2007, 00:05
I hiked in 2003. My wife (BadAss Turtle) hiked in 2001. I hiked a total of one month with her and she hiked a solid month with me.

We are planning another AT thru-hike in 2010 ...but this time TOGETHER !!


1n the Sun
06-15-2007, 07:56
Due to back problems and general whimpiness, I'm a day hiker, but I support4ed my husband's large section hike in '05 and he's consideringanother for this fall. Mostly I hike with the kids. It's a family kinda thing...

06-15-2007, 17:42
My "better half" has absolutely zero interest in hiking, backpacking or
camping in general. She is quite happy to stay at home and play in her
garden or the gardens of friends. And she has no problem with me
disappearing for extended periods on the trail.

I think I'll keep her. :)

insure ants
06-19-2007, 00:38
Something is wrong with that poll. :( How about a choice for "Single, in a committed relationship"?

06-19-2007, 04:45
Something is wrong with that poll. :( How about a choice for "Single, in a committed relationship"?

The second check-box applies to people who are either married, or to those who are not married, but in a committed relationship.

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-19-2007, 06:17
Sorry about the confusion. The symbol ' / ' means ' or ' in techie shorthand. I forget and use that here sometimes.

Interesting results so far: it seems roughly 2/3 of us are in committed relationships, 67% are / have hiked without spouse or significant other and 44% have hiked with spouse or significant other (numbers over 100% because some people have done both - the lucky critters :D)

I added the hammock and tent options just to get an idea of how many were using which option. I'm surprised with the results - nearly 1/3 are now hammocking and nearly 2/3 are tenting or tarping. I assume the remainder that didn't vote must use shelters exclusively.

06-19-2007, 06:37
Very married...and, very doubtful my husband will ever set foot on the trail. He's anti-exercise.

The Solemates
06-19-2007, 11:29
We hiked, thru-hiked, and continue to hike together.

06-19-2007, 12:40
My wife has no interest in hiking. Period. End of story. Tried to get her out there on short day hikes, but to no avail.

Chaco Taco
06-19-2007, 13:08
My girlfriend doen not hike with me on overnights but does day hikes. SHe has expressed some interest in going on a long hike with me but its a matter of getting her the gear. Just bought her first backpack for her bday.

06-21-2007, 09:13
My wife enjoys hiking and backpacking as much as I do and we usually get out together. A couple of years ago we had a 3 day trip planned, I had someething come up at work and couldn't go. She just assumed that the whole trip was off, but after some encouragement she went by herself. It turns out she had a great time and we've both gone without the other from time to time.

06-21-2007, 18:00
I have hiked with the olde lady and she is a good sport about it, but camping more than 100 yards from running water is where she seems to draw the line.

Hiking with any partner that has a significantly different pace than me drives me a little batty. I tend to dilly-dally off the bat but then I drift into a very fast pace. (I cover around 6-8 mi/hr on flat surfaces in 115 degree heat.) Even on rocky terrain I have been told I bounce around like an elf....a fat, linebacker-like elf...but still an elf. And I find that most hiking buddies just can't hang. Then they get frustrated and I have a really tough time slowing down to what seems like a snails pace to me.

I don't mind planning on a meeting place down the trail but most people want to chit chat and think that if we get seperated that someone will get lost. I guess I just have a strong independant streak.

While I think there is a very strong social aspect to hiking/camping, I tend to rely soley on the camping part for the social activity.

To each thier own.

Even thought I can't drag my girlfirend away from her job to hike the AT with me, I am lucky enough to have her run the home base and to keep the supplies coming!

...just don't ever expect me to go hiking with someone that has to sit down and take a smoke break every 15 minutes ever again (worst hike ever!) :rolleyes:

06-21-2007, 18:25
I have hiked with the olde lady and she is a good sport about it, but camping more than 100 yards from running water is where she seems to draw the line.

Hiking with any partner that has a significantly different pace than me drives me a little batty. I tend to dilly-dally off the bat but then I drift into a very fast pace. (I cover around 6-8 mi/hr on flat surfaces in 115 degree heat.) Even on rocky terrain I have been told I bounce around like an elf....a fat, linebacker-like elf...but still an elf. And I find that most hiking buddies just can't hang. Then they get frustrated and I have a really tough time slowing down to what seems like a snails pace to me.

I don't mind planning on a meeting place down the trail but most people want to chit chat and think that if we get seperated that someone will get lost. I guess I just have a strong independant streak.

While I think there is a very strong social aspect to hiking/camping, I tend to rely soley on the camping part for the social activity.

To each thier own.

Even thought I can't drag my girlfirend away from her job to hike the AT with me, I am lucky enough to have her run the home base and to keep the supplies coming!

...just don't ever expect me to go hiking with someone that has to sit down and take a smoke break every 15 minutes ever again (worst hike ever!) :rolleyes:

Six to eight miles per hour?

And I thought I was a fast hiker.

06-25-2007, 18:19
Its funny to see this poll here. I've wanted to thru the AT for a long time now, but I always wanted to do it with the SO, and she just said that she would yesterday! I think that deserves a banana :banana . We've only hiked a few times together though :-?, but when we did it seemed to go smoothly.