View Full Version : Tyvek Housewrap Ground Cloth

09-24-2007, 15:24
Anyone tried using housewrap as a ground cloth? If so how'd it do?
I've heard it's a great cheap source that you can drag scraps out of a dumpster at housebuilding sites. You can wash them to soften.

09-24-2007, 15:29
I use Tyvek as a ground cloth and have had excellent results.

09-24-2007, 15:30
I have had great sucess with it as well!!!

09-24-2007, 15:33
Works well. Put it through a cycle in the washer (without detergent) and let it air dry. Will be a lot softer (and less noisey) but still retains it's water proof properties.

If you really want to go light and stay with Tyvek, get your hands on what is called "Kite Tyvek"



09-24-2007, 15:38
ditto to all of the above.

09-24-2007, 16:15
Thanks Folks. I'll give it a try

09-24-2007, 16:32
Well, I just went ahead and washed my gifted piece of Tyvec in hot water and soap (Tide with bleach). I was surprised to find chunks in the washer and some sort of membrane that these chunks once clung to. Kind of funny, really. Made me go a whole other way to the use of a sil-nylon tarp as a footprint for my tent. I leave the edges out on good days and tuck them in when it is raining.

09-24-2007, 16:47
You can't use any detergent when washing Tyvek - only water.

09-24-2007, 16:57
do you think?

The Weasel
09-24-2007, 18:08
it has been used to make tents, tarps and packs as well.


09-24-2007, 20:07
gossamer gear's groundclothes are durable and lighter than tyvek, i believe

09-24-2007, 20:10
I used a Tyvek ground cloth for the last eight weeks of the hike. Fastened it outside on the end of my pack as well to protect the bottom of the pack. Loved it but it did get ratty by the end.