View Full Version : Foot rot?

10-27-2007, 10:32
After about 400 miles of hiking this summer, I started noticing red spots on my feet and ankles and calves. Almost like measles. Some itching involved. I tried a few O.T.C "remedies" like Gold Bond, hydrocortisone, and antihistamine creams. Much cleaning and scrubbing. That hike ended six weeks ago. The spots are fading but still haven't completely cleared up.

Curious if others have experienced anything similar, and if so, how they dealt with it. (Or what might have caused it.) Yeah, I know... I oughta see a doctor. I'm just skeptical that the doc is going to be much help here. I'm guessing that maybe others here have experienced something similar?

10-27-2007, 10:42
What were you eating. I had a similar reaction last year to MSG. It started on my thighs and spread all over my body eventually even to my head. Dr. recommended benadryl (spelling), caladryl clear for my hair, and calamyde (spelling) lotion for the rest of my body. Come to find out MSG is in a lot of foods especially Chinese which I had eaten three nights in a row. I now have to ask if MSG is present in foods. It is found in trail food---noodles, etc.

10-27-2007, 10:50
You probably had Chiggers (http://science.howstuffworks.com/question488.htm).

10-27-2007, 10:50
Try a tube of Lamisil, if it is fungal, that should improve it quickly, if it doesn't, I'd see a dermatologist.

10-27-2007, 11:01
You probably had Chiggers (http://science.howstuffworks.com/question488.htm).

That fits, Sly. (I know I'm allergic to mites.) Thanks for the link.

10-27-2007, 11:06
That fits, Sly. (I know I'm allergic to mites.) Thanks for the link.

No problem. :)

10-27-2007, 11:34
there is a type of athlete's foot that is a similar description, take take-a-knee's advice try lamsil, i got it a few years ago living in college dorms, but its a harder fungus to get rid of.

10-27-2007, 11:45
Athlete's foot on the ankles and calves? Who would have known...

10-27-2007, 12:10
Wash your socks ...or change them out all together. Let your feet air out and if you're not already doing so, add some hypoallergenic powder to your packing list.

Wam, moist environments are the breeding ground for all sorts of biologics and nasties.

With all the rain/moisture in 2003, a lot of us had various forms of jungle rot on our feet/ankles from time to time. Only thing that ever really helped was keeping the feet clean and dry and wearing clean socks.


10-27-2007, 13:39
If you think you have fungus growing in your boots/socks, put them in the freezer overnight, let them warm in the sun, then put them back in the freezer. This will do nothing for bacteria, but it kills yeasts and fungi pretty well.

10-27-2007, 14:47
^^better yet, throw the socks away.

10-27-2007, 15:16
You probably had Chiggers (http://science.howstuffworks.com/question488.htm).

If they itch a lot it may have been. I've had chiggers. Clear nail polish worked well for me.

10-27-2007, 15:47
Wool allergy?

Above or below sock cuff?

10-27-2007, 15:58
my ankles break out from the wool(?), but it doesn't itch. it's strange.

10-27-2007, 16:05
Smooth like non itchy mosquito bites?

10-27-2007, 16:08
Wool allergy?

I don't think so. The socks weren't wool, and I've worn wool socks before without this problem.

Above or below sock cuff?

Mostly below.

10-27-2007, 16:15
You would be amazed how allergies pop up.

Every time I drink tap water in S. CA, the tops of my feet break out in red blotches. Canal water. Thought I had the pox the first time.

My feet must be really odd.

Tennessee Viking
10-27-2007, 17:42
After about 400 miles of hiking this summer, I started noticing red spots on my feet and ankles and calves. Almost like measles. Some itching involved. I tried a few O.T.C "remedies" like Gold Bond, hydrocortisone, and antihistamine creams. Much cleaning and scrubbing. That hike ended six weeks ago. The spots are fading but still haven't completely cleared up.

Curious if others have experienced anything similar, and if so, how they dealt with it. (Or what might have caused it.) Yeah, I know... I oughta see a doctor. I'm just skeptical that the doc is going to be much help here. I'm guessing that maybe others here have experienced something similar?Sounds similiar to something I had early this year. Treated it with rubbing alcohol and hyrdogen peroxied for the initial treatment, then plain old benedryl, benedryl cream, and antibotic ointment.

If it was definitely Chiggers, you can also use clear nail polish on the spots.

It was a foot fungus, you can smoke your feet and barely brush your feet over a fire.

10-28-2007, 00:35
Tea tree oil.Get the good stuff.Should be about 8 bucks for a little bottle, but if you put it on a cotton ball to apply, it will last a while.
It's a natural botanical that is BOTH antibacterial and antifungal, something not a lot of manmade stuff can claim.(kind of a shotgun approach)
Avoid before hot dates, however...not the sexiest smell in the world.(sort of like if vinegar and eucalyptus had a baby)

10-28-2007, 00:55
I've been digging around on the 'net and it sure looks like Sly nailed it (chiggers.) What's interesting are the 100s of different remedies that folks have invented. But I'm a bit puzzled that the welts are still there... it's been well over a month since the hike ended.

10-28-2007, 09:28
I have 2 "welts" from fire ants. Been at least 7 years. Not large, but noticable.