View Full Version : Kerosene Drinking....

11-22-2007, 16:58
Okay, ive been doing alot of reading on survival, and i read in the US Army, Survival Guide that Drinking two teaspoons of Kerosene every 24-48 hours will help cure an Intestinal Parasite...

I dont think ones chance of getting a Parasite on the AT is too high, but hey its still good to know your options in a tough situation...

Im guessing salt water is a more welcome choice here... BUT... is Kerosene truely that safe to ingest?? or is the Army just that hardcore? lol


11-22-2007, 17:11
Or is the parasite it kills that nasty/lethal.

Lone Wolf
11-22-2007, 17:34
Marines drink everything straight. Fear of little bugs ain't an option. :)

11-22-2007, 18:24
Okay, ive been doing alot of reading on survival, and i read in the US Army, Survival Guide that Drinking two teaspoons of Kerosene every 24-48 hours will help cure an Intestinal Parasite...

I dont think ones chance of getting a Parasite on the AT is too high, but hey its still good to know your options in a tough situation...

Im guessing salt water is a more welcome choice here... BUT... is Kerosene truely that safe to ingest?? or is the Army just that hardcore? lol


Read this: http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/eh/ChemFS/fs/fueloil.htm

Drinking kerosene sounds like a real bad idea!

11-22-2007, 18:30
Especially if you're a chain smoker.

11-22-2007, 23:03
very little to do w/ the topic, but one of my favorite stories and it has to do w/ kerosene, my mom put gasoline in a kerosene heater, not knowing the different btn the two, and lit it, she was thrown 20ft and lost her bangs, eyebrows and eyelashes, this was way before i was in the works.

11-22-2007, 23:56
Hey, what can I say? You gotta be careful around me! :cool:

11-23-2007, 00:39
I was waiting for that post!!

11-23-2007, 00:59
Read this: http://dhfs.wisconsin.gov/eh/ChemFS/fs/fueloil.htm

Drinking kerosene sounds like a real bad idea!

From what that says it seems like it might work. The vomiting and diarrhea are generally good ways to get rid of parasites. And it says ingesting more then an ounce can cause coma or death, presumably that means that 2 teaspoons (.333 oz.) should not be fatal. So while probably not the most efficient of most pleasant way to take care of a parasite, it seems that it may work.

Disclaimer: I am not a doctor, and certainly not the most informed on this topic, and I am sure someone with more knowledge then me will post about this. That is just what I see from all this.

11-23-2007, 01:13
Back in the day, folks in our family used to 'take kerosene' for bad colds and coughs. This is not the same stuff that is served up at gas stations today though.

I'd pass on that one, bmanice, but interesting question :)

11-23-2007, 02:18
I believe what you are referring to is what my grandparents would give me for sickness when I was very young.I think the term back then was Coal Oil....and for treating certain ailments like intestinal and the common cold ailments ,it worked great.I am not a doctor nor pretend to be,but the dosage was the same as mentioned.:-?

11-23-2007, 04:43
I think you would need to be very sick, and with very few alternatives, for 2 teaspoons of kerosene to be your best option. I wouldn't have any kerosene on me anyway, thank goodness, since me prefered fuel is birch bark, spruce sticks, and the occassionally cedar. They also sound like better options for gastrointestinal ailments. No offence Kerosene.

I tried googling for natural remedies like bark teas, but all I find is that crap they sell in stores. I would rather drink kerosene. Is there a good site for REAL natural remedies?

11-23-2007, 09:38
Yes there is go see your grandmother they have a cure for everthing or a old folks home

11-23-2007, 11:44
wow, its pretty cool i got this many replies, i thought it was an interesting topic...

and i swear its in that manual, no lies! lol i absolutely couldnt believe it when i read it!

I figured if im going to get survival information, i might as well be getting it from the same reading material as the people (who are or have) fought bravely through any enviroment and terrain to defend our great country :)


Im pretty sure the web is FULL of BS info but here are a few interesting sites that im assuming have decent reputation...





...start there, let me know when your done ;)

johnny quest
11-23-2007, 11:49
i had a friend from arkansas once. he bought a surplus sks and took it out to the swamp to shoot. it pretty much blew up on him and the stock went into his trapezius. he treated it ONLY with kerosene. he swore by it.

11-25-2007, 20:24
Thanks for separating some of the wheat from the chaff for me.


Appalachian Tater
11-25-2007, 21:16
I think the Army survival manual means aircraft fuel when it says kerosene but don't want to acknowledge that whereas the Air Force or Navy would. I can't think of a survival situation where kerosene would be available and anti-parasitic medication would not be otherwise.

Dakota Dan
11-25-2007, 21:28
This Thread should be moved to the Sci-Fi Forum.

I sure hope no-one is going to drink kerosene because of this thread.

Use the stuff to build a fire and boil the water or cook the meat. Not consume the contaminated crap first. If you can carry kerosene and a spoon you can carry water and iodine tabs.

Jack Tarlin
11-26-2007, 20:51
I drank a big shot of Coleman fuel one day in Duncannon, which is why you should always ask before grabbing someone else's Sprite.

What really sucked is I was afraid to light a Camel for hours cuz I thought I'd spontaneously combust like the drummer in Spinal Tap.

This was also the same afternoon I found the dead guy in the Doyle and had cinematically thrown up a whole chicken and 2 liters of Hawaiian Punch in front of about 200 people.

Not one of my better Trail days.

In any case, just my two cents, but I think there are better things to drink than kerosene.

06-10-2009, 19:36
hey, funny you guys writing this. i had a big night on the drink a few years ago and consumed alot of drugs. as it moved into the next day i we had nothing to drink and being on drugs i made kerosene and coke to drink. it was only about 15ml in a glass of coke, but i still wonder if this has screwed my insides. what you guys reckon?

the burps are the worst and yes i was scared to smoke afterwards..

06-10-2009, 19:51
I can not think of any circumstance that would dictate drinking kerosene while hiking the AT or most other trails for that matter. Alone in the jungle, days and many many miles from medical assistance when a lethal parasite has invaded your system perhaps it is justified.

06-10-2009, 20:21
Please realize that when reading things like the Army / Marine / Navy / Air Force SURVIVAL manuals, they are just that...survival manuals. The stuff in there isn't intended for people who are hiking the AT or any other trail where you are within reach of professional medical care or can get to a ranger station, road, or within cell phone coverage to get help. Going through boot camp and then again when we were gearing up for our deployment in Iraq, we were given lots of classes on stuff like this, but we were also given the exact same cautionary speech I gave you. Do NOT do this unless you absolutely HAVE to in order to survive. Period.

They provide those manuals for situations where you are alone or perhaps with one or two others, who may or may not be wounded, in areas that are either hostile enemy territory or very very far from any type of help. So unless you were the sole survivor of a plane crash that left you stranded without food/water/medical supplies hundreds of miles from the nearest friendly outpost...this information isn't really intended for you. The stuff in there is the kind of thing that is a last ditch effort to save your life, where surviving for a couple of more days could be the difference between getting to a hospital or the search and rescue crews bringing back a body bag.

Don't get me wrong, the information is never a bad thing to know...it's more knowing when to use it that is the important thing. Then again, like someone else said, if you can carry kerosene, you can certainly carry Aquamira tablets or Iodine tablets just as easily. Prevention is better medicine than knowing that drinking kerosene as a last ditch solution can potentially kill intestinal parasites, but may or may not have long reaching side-effects down the line.

Desert Reprobate
06-10-2009, 20:25
If you are close enough to a doctor to determine you have parasites, you are close enough to get the proper medication. I am not a doctor, I just play one with my girlfriend.

06-10-2009, 21:00
If you are close enough to a doctor to determine you have parasites, you are close enough to get the proper medication. I am not a doctor, I just play one with my girlfriend.

does your wife know? :D

06-10-2009, 22:49
Okay, ive been doing alot of reading on survival, and i read in the US Army, Survival Guide that Drinking two teaspoons of Kerosene every 24-48 hours will help cure an Intestinal Parasite...
Yes. . . but it has other side effects. . . . .
