View Full Version : Lehigh Gap: NB or SB for best day hike?

02-02-2008, 13:14
Looks like I am going to have a few hours Sunday afternoon to hike the AT and will be close to Lehigh Gap in eastern PA. I am not familiar with this section and was wondering if you only had an afternoon to do an out and back hike starting in Lehigh Gap which way would be the most rewarding hike? NB (East) or SB (west) out of the Gap?


02-02-2008, 13:36
The best view is heading north out of the gap. It's also a kick-a$$ climb. Fairly low-key heading south, and much easier walking.

02-02-2008, 13:44


02-02-2008, 13:44
I like KickA$$. Thanks.
Looks like there potential alternate routs to do a small loop on the assent/descent .

02-02-2008, 14:03
I like KickA$$. Thanks.
Looks like there potential alternate routs to do a small loop on the assent/descent .

Yeah, there's a blue blaze that meets the AT up on the ridge. The junction is well marked. BTW, if the rocks are icy, be very careful... or save the hike for a better day. If you're used to using poles, fold them up or leave them at home -- they're useless on that climb. You'll need your hands.

02-02-2008, 14:05
. . . . . and bring your camera. :D You'll know what I mean when you get there.

02-02-2008, 14:31
There might be some ice after all the rain we had yesterday, but it is 40 right now and overcast, I don't think it is supposed to drop too low tonight, so you might not have much ice to worry about, but still use caution.

The best place to park is on the East (Palmerton) side of the Lehigh River. Heading NB up route 248 (Lehigh Drive), just south of the Rte 873 bridge that crosses the Lehigh, there is a right Y pull off that climbs up ALONGSIDE and OVERLOOKING the highway. You can park here - BE CAREFUL OF RUTS/ROCKS WITH LOW CLEARANCE AUTOS. The AT continues along an old rail bed past the boulders that block cars from going further and then turns right at the signboard (about 100 yards past the boulders).

You can google the Trailhead on Google earth at 40°47'1.11"N ~ 75°36'16.52"W

The best route is to head up the AT - Steep climb - which winds around the shoulder of the mountain where you will be exposed to heavy winds. The trail continues up for about a mile and comes shortly to intersection with a Blue trail on the left (I believe it is still blue). This is the winter trail and takes you back down angling towards Palmerton, where you intersect with the railway bed you originally walked your first 100 yards on. Turn left here and head back to your car.
I think the round trip is around 3 miles.
If you would like to, you can certainly continue along the AT for a while and enjoy the barren scenery, before turning back and backtracking to the intersection of the winter trail.
You can continue down the way you came up, but the winter trail is easier on the knees.

02-02-2008, 14:51
Thanks for all the great info.

It sounds like the winter trail will be the best descent and I will bring my ice cleats in case there's any ice left over towards the top.

02-02-2008, 15:22
That is a great hike. The south side is also cool if you hike the A.T. up to the North Trail and follow the north trail to devils pulpit. The climb up is definatly not as steep or scenic as the north side of the gap, but the north trail is really good. Open for almost the entire 2 miles.

02-02-2008, 15:49
Interesting that everyone likes the North side of the gap. Of course there are more views, all the trees have been poisoned. Should the ATC build zinc smelters all along the trail to improve its scenic beauty? I think the north side gets more votes because thru hikers on the south side are afraid to take the side trail (might be 0.1 mile further) and blow by the north trail.

Looks like a nice cool day tomorrow, maybe a good day for the north side.

02-02-2008, 16:10
The view looking down into the gap from the north side is unlike any other on the AT. For that matter, the ridge is pretty unique as well. Not "pretty," but it holds your attention.

02-02-2008, 17:02
... Of course there are more views, all the trees have been poisoned. Should the ATC build zinc smelters all along the trail to improve its scenic beauty?...

LOL Ah, part of the historical ambiance of the trail.:D

02-02-2008, 18:21
If you are going with someone, use two cars: Start at Ashfiled Rd (Lehigh Furnace Gap?) and walk NOBO, take both blue blaze trails, south trail and north trail, as you head into the gap. Go up the cliffs on the other side of the river, walk on and finish at Little Gap. Easy parking at both places, water at the shelter before the gap and at metallica spring.

02-04-2008, 16:51
So how'd the trip go, Deerleg?

02-04-2008, 21:39
So how'd the trip go, Deerleg?

As it turned out Sunday afternoon was perfect for a hike and I easily went up the NB side of Lehigh Gap (I believe it’s about 1100 vertical feet) and hiked in almost all the way to Little Gap, turned around and went down the winter trail to make a outstanding loop. It was so nice I got mild sunburn on my face and wile walking NB only needed a single fleece layer until I turned back into the slight breeze. There was still a lot of ice on the north side of the ridge, but pretty soft and wet across the top. I will add a couple of pics to my gallery when I get home next week. I am working a couple of more days in Philly and then will head to Boiling Spring and NB for about 60 miles. Thanks again for all the info on the Gap. I looked at the Lehigh Gap trail head on Google Earth and used the north side parking lot suggested and had a great sunny :sun afternoon on the ridge.

02-04-2008, 23:29
Glad your trip turned out well. I had thought of going up there myself yesterday, but wisely decided to take it easy as I am still battling a bit of bronchitis from a recent cold. As it turned out a long walk around a local reservoir and Pipeline ROW were more than enough for me.
I have a nice view of about 50 miles panoramic of blue mountain from the house, but unfortunately it is a little far (18 miles ATCF) to see anyone with binocs, though my buddy is an astronomer and has a large telescope that would probably work.....:D

02-04-2008, 23:42
That rock scramble was one of the places I absolutely froze on. Particularly that one nasty ledge. Ugh. If not for the trail runner coming up fast behind me and Paul Bunyan hoisting up my pack then, not sure what I would have done. But the views of Palmerton and the valley were great.

03-29-2015, 15:58
Went out for a day hike from Lehigh Gap to Little Gap and back (about 11 miles) and so of course before I went I read a few threads on Lehigh Gap to get an idea of what to expect. Perhaps because the challenge of the boulders was built up a lot in these threads or perhaps because the trail has been rerouted (not sure?) I didn't find the boulders bad at all. Sure in a few spots you had to use your hands but nothing crazy. After that heading north from Lehigh Gap you spend a fair amount of time on an old dirt access road of some kind. Lots of views of Palmerton, PA as you walked along it. This appeared to be due to the rerouting of the trail so I'm not sure if it will always be that way but it made for some fast walking. As we got closer to Little Gap the PA rocks returned of course. On the way back we took the Winter trail (which was open) and as the threads describe it made for a much more gradual descent back to our car (that was parked at Lehigh Gap). Day hiked on 3/28/14 and there was a decent amount of snow on the trail but nothing that required any special equipment. Hope this information is useful to someone.