View Full Version : Pocketmail - R.I.P. or no?

Old Hillwalker
03-16-2008, 10:09
Doing a search for Pocketmail seems to indicate that they went out of business. All the hits are several years old but their website http://www.pocketmail.com/ looks alive and has a date of 2007. I hesitate to jump for this since they now mention "Uranium Mining" and a very suspicious item on their site. An ad for a "snakeoil" gas saving pill called "MTECH".

Are they alive and well, and should I go for that option during my SOBO this year?

03-16-2008, 10:21
I bought one on eBay for $5 last year, the week before it was annouced that they were going under. Maybe the new domain owner will keep them running along with their mining operation. I'll probably just get a blackberry.

03-16-2008, 10:31
I just looked at their site and it is obviously under new ownership since last Spring. Perhaps it does live on!

03-16-2008, 11:27
Moved on to Windows Mobile myself last December, after many years as a loyal Palm OS weenie. Palm just took too long to upgrade their aging OS for me. I love my Verizon Wireless XV6800 (HTC) device and the OS. With my Treo, it felt like a PDA first, with a phone added as an afterthought. With my XV6800, it's most definitely a phone first, with a very solid PDA/PC functionality added on. The built-in Outlook mail with text messaging (SMS) works just fine out of the box . . . no need to spend money on a third party app. ;)

Hammock Hanger
03-16-2008, 18:33
I have done all my journals via pocketmail since 2001. Not sure how i will be doing them in the future but I have since sold my p-mail. Looking for newer options. I am Stumpknocker's transcriber and he is doing all of his via his cell phone, I may move in that direction.

03-16-2008, 18:42
The pocketmail site seems to still be working.

The pocketmail site that talks about uranium and other projects appears to be the Australian website

03-16-2008, 18:43
Hammock Hanger, can you tell me what kind of cell phone Stumpknocker is using and who the carrier is?

Survivor Dave
03-16-2008, 19:02
I've had it since November and never had an issue. The problem was I had to buy mine from Footslogger because they were out of stock until April.

03-16-2008, 19:03
Moved on to Windows Mobile myself last December, after many years as a loyal Palm OS weenie. Palm just took too long to upgrade their aging OS for me. I love my Verizon Wireless XV6800 (HTC) device and the OS. With my Treo, it felt like a PDA first, with a phone added as an afterthought. With my XV6800, it's most definitely a phone first, with a very solid PDA/PC functionality added on. The built-in Outlook mail with text messaging (SMS) works just fine out of the box . . . no need to spend money on a third party app. ;)God, do I feel like a dinosaur now.

Hammock Hanger
03-16-2008, 21:28
Hammock Hanger, can you tell me what kind of cell phone Stumpknocker is using and who the carrier is?

the carrier is verizon. I will have to find out what model.

03-16-2008, 21:43
R.i.p. ;)

03-16-2008, 21:53
Thanks HH!

Hammock Hanger
03-17-2008, 09:31
This is the phone that Stumpy is using: enV by LG

It is made for text messaging and comes with a full keyboard. TINY but you get use to it. I think this is the phone I may get as well. My carrier will be Sprintm so it is named differentlu. Sprint Rumor, same thing really.

Survivor Dave
03-17-2008, 14:02
Just as a point of information.........
If you use PocketMail and want to use a cell phone to send/recieve you MUST have a provider that uses GMS. CDMA will not work whatsoever.

T-Mobile and ATT are GMS....Verizon and Sprint are not.


Hammock Hanger
03-17-2008, 15:25
Just as a point of information.........
If you use PocketMail and want to use a cell phone to send/recieve you MUST have a provider that uses GMS. CDMA will not work whatsoever.

T-Mobile and ATT are GMS....Verizon and Sprint are not.

Not sure what you mean but i sent my notes from my pocketmail using my cell phone numerous times and I use Sprint.

Survivor Dave
03-17-2008, 16:07
Not sure what you mean but i sent my notes from my pocketmail using my cell phone numerous times and I use Sprint.

HH, I went today to see if I could get a different carrier for a better rate and coverage. I called PocketMail customer service and asked if those carriers were acceptable. I asked about Verizon and they said no because it was a CDMA provider. I went to Radio Shack and inquired about Sprint and ATT. I was told by the rep there that ATT was GMS but not Sprint. I called PocketMail again and they told me that messages could be SENT ONLY, but not recieved.

It has something to do with CDMA encryption blah blah blah.

I was switching my phone to get a carrier with better national coverage. Oh well, T-Mobile it will stay:o


Hammock Hanger
03-17-2008, 17:20
I must admit I did not rec any incoming mail when I sent out via my Sprint phone. I never thought about it at the time....

Well, I have sold my Pmail and am going via strait phone mode.