View Full Version : PUR Purifier of Water - Water treatment in a packet

04-07-2008, 10:02
New from PUR

Maintains Pure Fresh Taste. Simple to use. Water is ready to drink after 30 minutes.


04-07-2008, 10:58
Small packs? Would work for a group.

04-07-2008, 12:11
I dont like to purify my water.

Wish it would tell you how far zoomed in on the pictures it is.

04-07-2008, 20:26
:: watched the video ::

The whole thing looks like an experiment I did in the eighth grade which made me want to become a scientist.

Get some Alum (the spice). Stir it into murky water. The coagulant properties of the Alum will clump all of the visible solids, and some of the nonvisible ones.

Now, here is where the PUR product differs: it probably contains some residual antibacterial chemical. Again, since the water appears clear, I'm guessing it may be a form of chlorine ... perhaps chlorine dioxide?

You then have to pour the liquid phase through a cotton filter (to separate out the coagulated solids) into another container. The liquid has to sit for 20 minutes for the antibacterial compound to kick in. Then you can drink.

Do it yourself -- Alum and chlorine dioxide. Alum first. Filter through your bandana. Add chlorine dioxide.

Read up on municipal water treatment chemicals -- http://www.greensboro-nc.gov/departments/Water/watersystem/chemicals.htm