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View Full Version : campsite help, NC

05-01-2008, 19:48
I am planning to hike from Fontana Dam to NOC in mid June. Plans are to hike south and meet up with a scout troop, maybe do some rafting and catch a ride home with the troop. Question is, if I do about 10 miles a day that would put me camping around Cody gap the first night and Locust Cove gap the second. Are there any known campsites in these areas?

Tipi Walter
05-01-2008, 19:52
What do you mean, any known campsites? I've backpacked this section several times and pulled off wherever I felt like it, twice near Walker Gap, 2 or 3 times near Brown Fork Gap(by the spring north of the shelter), and up on Cheoah Bald. There are dozens of campsites all along this section.

05-05-2008, 21:22
Let me see if I can ask a different way. Is there a campsite at or close to Cody Gap and Locust Cove Gap? If not, is there any flat ground in these areas?

I have been told there is water on Cheoah Bald, can any one confirm this? If so, is it seasonal?

05-05-2008, 21:25
Please add this information to the above post, I will be needing flat ground for two tents

05-05-2008, 21:36
No water on Cheoah bald, but worth the view to bring it with you. The area is popular, though.

This area is eaten up with reasonable places to throw down a tent and sleep.

Tipi Walter
05-05-2008, 22:51
Both Cody Gap and Locust Cove Gap have pretty good campsites and there's water near Locust Cove Gap. I searched for water on Cheoah and never did find it but I did find a geocache . . . just more human litter to me.

05-06-2008, 21:23
Let me see if I can ask a different way. Is there a campsite at or close to Cody Gap and Locust Cove Gap? If not, is there any flat ground in these areas?

I have been told there is water on Cheoah Bald, can any one confirm this? If so, is it seasonal?

Water on Cheoah Bald

I spent the night on Cheoah Bald this past Friday night, 7.8.05. I remembered the advise on this thread about water. In the center of the field at the bottom of the bald, there is a farm/access "road bed". Follow this road for about 30 yards, right before the road turns to the right, there is an old orange flag/tape tied to a limb on the left side of the road. Follow this path, which is marked by an occasional orange flag/tape to the bottom of a small ravine/draw, about 30 yards. The "path" then turns to the right/down hill followning the draw to a good spring/creek, about 20 yards. I could hear the water running from the road. It is at this time a very good water source. I do not know of it's year around availability. Overall it is around 3/10 of mile from the top of the bald to the water source. It is steep, reminded me of the decent for water at the Vandeventer Shelter. I sure appreciated the heads-up about this water. Smurf(GaMe2002) and I spent the night on top and ate dinner while watching a drop-dead gorgeous sunset over the smokies from the northern overlook. I have posted several pics of the sunset. Hope this information is usefull.

Tipi Walter
05-06-2008, 21:35
Thanks for the water info, I'll have to look again. If I find it I'll be able to pull several nights on the bald in the winter and see if I can get hit with some winds and blizzards. I'd like to set up a basecamp and see who passes by.

05-10-2008, 11:29
Thanks for the water info, I'll have to look again. If I find it I'll be able to pull several nights on the bald in the winter and see if I can get hit with some winds and blizzards. I'd like to set up a basecamp and see who passes by.

The location of the water is down the northeast side according to this topo map.
If you find a different location, indicate it on the map and post it.


Campsite on Cheoah Bald (

Campfire on Cheoah Bald (

Google Satellite image (http://maps.google.com/maps?ie=UTF8&hl=en&ll=35.325130,-83.680996&spn=0.004836,0.011716&t=h&z=17)

05-15-2008, 14:13
There is a sign pointing to the water

05-15-2008, 14:40
I have camped at Cody Gap with three tents with room for more.

Bear Cables
05-20-2008, 12:26
What do you mean, any known campsites? I've backpacked this section several times and pulled off wherever I felt like it, twice near Walker Gap, 2 or 3 times near Brown Fork Gap(by the spring north of the shelter), and up on Cheoah Bald. There are dozens of campsites all along this section.

I suppose what is meant by "any known campsites" is referring to sites that have been previously used and have become sites instead of scarring new areas along the way. I suppose....:-? I had the same question as we are hiking from NOC to Fontana north. We may not want to stop at 6 miles for a shelter.

05-27-2008, 21:35
Known campsites, to me, that would be existing campsites. I guess one of my faults is thinking others think like me. I like to use existing sites and will only build a fire in an existing ring. I see no reason to add another site along the trial, it takes years for the area to recover. Yes, I know, if you plop down, disturb little, you may not leave a mark and I am sure someone will have something to say, not trying to start something here.

Thanks all, it looks like my questions have been answered, I plan on doing Fontana to NOC, sobo on June 17-19. Hope the water holds up on Cheoah, I would love to spent the night up there.