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View Full Version : LWolf to Moderate a Forum

Ron Haven
06-07-2008, 18:14
Lone Wolf if you had a forum,you wouldn't care if we typed in a bad word here and there would you?:eek:

06-07-2008, 18:16
He'd be good in the straight forward forum.

06-07-2008, 18:24
hed be a good walter " shut the hell up!" " i dont give a @#$@" " dumbass"

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-07-2008, 18:40
I'd pay to see his PM correspondence.

06-07-2008, 18:43
I'm absolutely speechless! :D

06-07-2008, 19:16
5 time quit.HOW can he HELP.

06-07-2008, 19:43
That would be one forum I would read regularly. Wouldn't have to wade through all the BS.

max patch
06-07-2008, 20:09
LW is the mod of this forum? Cool.

McCain 08

Cool AT Breeze
06-07-2008, 20:25
Stinkin hikers.

06-07-2008, 20:46
He can also have a pic of the Milwaukee vibrator and his WOLF shirt,and tell ALL how to finish a hike.:eek:

River Runner
06-07-2008, 20:52
He's moderating the shelter forum, right? :D

I can see it now -

"Stay on topic. No need to ask questions about this shelter, because they all should be removed."



ed bell
06-07-2008, 20:59
5 time quit.HOW can he HELP.Have you asked?:)

06-07-2008, 21:26
Have you asked?:)

Funny,i was willing to pay the stud to come and teach ME...but again?:-?

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-07-2008, 21:29
LW is the mod of this forum? Cool.

McCain 08::: Dino peeks over her trifocals at Max Patch's siggy :::

ed bell
06-07-2008, 21:30
Funny,i was willing to pay the stud to come and teach ME...but again?:-?ASK and ye shall receive. I have no doubt.:)

06-07-2008, 21:35
New Forum.........packsniffers!!!!!! For Sure He Weeds'em Out!!!!

06-07-2008, 21:49
ASK and ye shall receive. I have no doubt.:)

YES he is a JOKE.

NO answer from him in a swamp down here and 1 day food in pack for 5 day or 7? well IT'S like his 5 THRU.

ed bell
06-07-2008, 22:08
YES he is a JOKE.

NO answer from him in a swamp down here and 1 day food in pack for 5 day or 7? well IT'S like his 5 THRU.So, your question is: "in a swamp down here and 1 day food in pack for 5 day or 7?" Are you really asking that?

06-07-2008, 22:10
Somebody needs a basic class in speaking and communicating proper english. As I said before, at least I wouldn't have to wade through all the BS, and to that I should add, all the illiteracy.

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-07-2008, 22:13
LW in 08

06-07-2008, 22:15
So, your question is: "in a swamp down here and 1 day food in pack for 5 day or 7?" Are you really asking that?

YES and...he was a non taker with free airfare.

06-07-2008, 22:21
Somebody needs a basic class in speaking and communicating proper english. As I said before, at least I wouldn't have to wade through all the BS, and to that I should add, all the illiteracy.

slow....so named for a reason...:rolleyes:

06-07-2008, 22:27
slow....so named for a reason...:rolleyes:

Slow...CAP .:D

06-07-2008, 22:30
He's moderating the shelter forum, right? :D

I can see it now -

"Stay on topic. No need to ask questions about this shelter, because they all should be removed."


:DI second that he should moderate the abolution of shelters forum! :eek: :D

06-07-2008, 22:36
LWolf should also moderate the "No need to hang food. sleeping with your food in the tent is cool" and the "No need to filter water" forums. That ought to keep him busy! :eek: :p

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-07-2008, 22:42
I think he should moderate all the 'don't' forums -
Don't use shelters
Don't filter water
Don't be a bear burrito
Don't hang your food
Don't follow the white blazes

He should also moderate the political forum. They would show him just how much fun moderation can be :D

06-07-2008, 22:54
He should also moderate the political forum. They would show him just how much fun moderation can be :DROFLMAO! :D

Lone Wolf
06-07-2008, 23:30
5 time quit.HOW can he HELP.

12 time quit, 5 time finish you douche :rolleyes:

Lone Wolf
06-07-2008, 23:32
I second that he should moderate the abolution of shelters forum! :eek: :D

w t f is abolution? :-?

06-07-2008, 23:34
think wolf should start my mod-ing THIS forum

06-07-2008, 23:34
thru hike what?? lwolf is an insecure wuss...cowing to slow-asses taunts...grow up all...hike, don't talk.

Lone Wolf
06-07-2008, 23:35
He should also moderate the political forum. They would show him just how much fun moderation can be :D

fun cuz i'd delete and ban everybody that disagreed with me. just like wingfoot did on his lame website. 7 sis ain't too far off

Odd Thomas
06-07-2008, 23:36
w t f is abolution? :-?

Has something to do with covering your female body parts in Islam. :-?

06-07-2008, 23:37
oh crap he already did

Lone Wolf
06-07-2008, 23:37
thru hike what?? lwolf is an insecure wuss...cowing to slow-asses taunts...grow up all...hike, don't talk.

11:30 at night and you're talking about me? you're stroking your little bean tonite. i got a hot lady coming home in a few. grow up ****stick! :D:rolleyes:

06-08-2008, 02:01
Lone Wolf is a packsniffer

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-08-2008, 07:12
w t f is abolution? :-?Literally, cleansing - it is a word used by several religions with variant spellings and the spelling 'abolution' generally refers to its use in Islam.

Lone Wolf
06-08-2008, 07:14

Jason of the Woods
06-08-2008, 07:37
I could go with that. If he doesn't run Obama sounds pretty good. Much better than the dinosaur McCain.:D
LW in 08

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-08-2008, 07:44
I could go with that. If he doesn't run Obama sounds pretty good. Much better than the dinosaur McCain.:D::: Dino bites Jason's toes and then whips him soundly with her tail for saying McCain is related in any way to Dinos :::

06-08-2008, 07:54
11:30 at night and you're talking about me? you're stroking your little bean tonite. i got a hot lady coming home in a few. grow up ****stick! :D:rolleyes:

max patch
06-08-2008, 10:54
I could go with that. If he doesn't run Obama sounds pretty good. Much better than the dinosaur McCain.:D

McCain/Clinton 08.

06-08-2008, 11:53
fun cuz i'd delete and ban everybody that disagreed with me. just like wingfoot did on his lame website. 7 sis ain't too far off

Sample of LW modrated forum:

**** me ********

**** you *******. Shelters suck.

Up yer ***

******** left coast ****** liberals.

Packsniffin' *******

**** you - and your ******* dog. ******* dog's in shelters suck.

You're just a ******* rightwing ****** with a ******* gun

**** you

**** you too

06-08-2008, 12:01
I really don't want to start anything but I can't help but notice. Asterisks are used in the place of bad words. Mr. 4eyedbuzzard* what does * stand for in your name. Not really trying to start nothing and all. ;)

06-08-2008, 12:30
I really don't want to start anything but I can't help but notice. Asterisks are used in the place of bad words. Mr. 4eyedbuzzard* what does * stand for in your name. Not really trying to start nothing and all. ;)

Not related. Just my political thought referencing all the athletes being "awarded asterisks" in the record books because of all the controversy trying to compare records across historic periods, performance enhancing drugs, longer seasons, blah, blah, blah. Extending that to the rest of life, I figure everybody has a skeleton or two in their closet somewhere - everybody should get an asterisk for something. It's all just BS anyway.

But people should feel free to put whatever bad words they want in front of my name - and I'm sure many do. :)

06-08-2008, 12:40
You're right about that. There is an asterisk haunting us all.

06-08-2008, 13:31
My asterisk keeps hiding my unnerpants

06-08-2008, 16:14
well thats actualy good for you cuase you get to A go to victorias secret to get some more and B hit on other lesbians at the same time what a multi-tasker you are

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-08-2008, 16:35
well thats actualy good for you cuase you get to A go to victorias secret to get some more and B hit on other lesbians at the same time what a multi-tasker you arehttp://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b47/lowcarbscoop/Frequently%20used/Dinolaughing.jpg

Ron Haven
06-08-2008, 21:51
He'd be good in the straight forward forum.He'd keep all of it down pat huh?:-?

06-08-2008, 22:33
Lone Wolf is a packsniffer
depends on what kind of pack he's sniffing.....

Wise Old Owl
06-08-2008, 23:06
w t f is abolution? :-?

wiki took me to the wrong answer..

It is covering the parts of a woman...

Wise Old Owl
06-08-2008, 23:12
Lone Wolf is a packsniffer

You know we have photo proof!


Ron Haven
06-09-2008, 12:19
If he was the moderator it definately wouldn't be boring:D

Dances with Mice
06-09-2008, 12:36
If he was the moderator it definately wouldn't be boring:D...or moderate....

Bare Bear
06-09-2008, 16:49
This maeks so littel sense it is perfect for WB......wats illerate?

06-09-2008, 17:08
Sounds like you are making alot of friends there "slow"

River Runner
06-09-2008, 22:28
Sounds like you are making alot of friends there "slow"

He's just cranky because he's missing his friend Wild Cowboy. With those threads dying down, he hasn't had many folks to pick on. ;)

06-10-2008, 02:26
Thank you, winger. I have been trying to understand these posts, but with no luck--and FL is my business. I figured it was secret code.


06-10-2008, 07:48
WOO - good photoshop but the shadows on the face are going a different direction than the shadows from the body plus the body shape is all wrong - the manboobs are too big

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-10-2008, 07:54
The pic of LW and Gypsy hiking is a real pic from the gallery here (http://whiteblaze.net/forum/vbg/showimage.php?i=20936).... to make it realistic, one would need to add the sign's shadow and progressively burn (darken exposure) the sign from upper left to lower right at the same angle as the shadow on LW's face.

06-10-2008, 07:55
WOO - good photoshop but the shadows on the face are going a different direction than the shadows from the body plus the body shape is all wrong - the manboobs are too big
Thanks a lot HOI. I was planning on having a good breakfast until I had to take a look at the image again ... that's a pretty disturbing eye for detail which you possess. :eek:
If you're going to put manboobies on somebody - might as well do the best job possible. If you notice the beard actually assists in defining his cleavage.

06-10-2008, 08:09
...what a multi-tasker you are

Doing many things at once, all badly.

06-10-2008, 09:11
Thanks a lot HOI. I was planning on having a good breakfast until I had to take a look at the image again ... that's a pretty disturbing eye for detail which you possess. :eek: I agree - WOO definitely made the manboobs way too big. Bad photoshop!

PS. - I actually prevented WOO from publishing his first version attached below. It was just not right.
some guys grow bigger tits later in life you know..........has something to do with the femenine side of the whole equation........

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-10-2008, 10:01

06-10-2008, 10:45

The angle is off, no handle, and part of the shadow is floating.

Other than that...nice try :D

Frolicking Dinosaurs
06-10-2008, 11:39
The angle is off, no handle, and part of the shadow is floating.

Other than that...nice try :DThanks - not bad for the 10 whole minutes I devoted to this.

06-25-2012, 14:56
Sample of LW modrated forum:

**** you *******. Shelters suck.

******** left coast ****** liberals.

**** you - and your ******* dog. ******* dog's in shelters suck.

**** youI was looking for something completely different,and came across this little beauty.I just got back from the doctors,he said I just had heart palpatations,probably from reading this thread Laughing My A$$ OFF,Don't forget to poke around a little bit,Lone Wolf,you are the Man...woman,oh you know what I mean...freakin awesome dude I love this.LOL

06-25-2012, 15:16
Thanks a lot HOI. I was planning on having a good breakfast until I had to take a look at the image again ... that's a pretty disturbing eye for detail which you possess. :eek:
If you're going to put manboobies on somebody - might as well do the best job possible. If you notice the beard actually assists in defining his cleavage.

Funny how this puts soooo many things in perspective....

06-25-2012, 15:18
Funny how this puts soooo many things in perspective....Play nice now

06-25-2012, 20:07
Anyone know how doggiebag is doing?

06-25-2012, 21:04
Well he sure does like to moderate The Place, has the cops there every other day during thru season

Lone Wolf
06-25-2012, 21:06
Well he sure does like to moderate The Place, has the cops there every other day during thru season

they're there every day during the season. the caretaker asked them to patrol it. you hikers can't be trusted to follow simple rules

Rain Man
06-26-2012, 10:13
Well he sure does like to moderate The Place, has the cops there every other day during thru season

Sounds like a good thing. Well, a sadly necessary thing, anyway.

Rain Man


max patch
06-26-2012, 11:53
My favorite picture of LW is the one where the photographer caught him with trekking poles.

max patch
06-26-2012, 11:55

Sounds like a good thing. Well, a sadly necessary thing, anyway.

Rain Man



Lone Wolf
06-26-2012, 12:24
My favorite picture of LW is the one where the photographer caught him with trekking poles.

you do know that was staged

06-26-2012, 13:05
you do know that was staged


Some future employer is going to see that photo and deny you the position. At least, that's what I tell me kids. :)