View Full Version : Mainer hiking partner

08-18-2008, 20:58
I'll be going to school at UMO in Orono (obviously) and my current class schedule gives me Friday-Monday for hiking. My backpacking experience as of this writing is very limited (see zero) but I have done plenty of car camping, day hiking, and hammock camping in my yard to prepare as best I can. I don't mind being by myself but I want to hike with someone that knows their stuff so I can cheat off them and not fail. (aka learn) Any weekend in the next few months (september,october, november) and pretty much anywhere within a 3-4 hours drive from Bangor. Also I'm possibly the coolest person you will ever meet, I like long walks in the woods, ect.

08-25-2008, 23:15

There's great information here on hiking stuff. I'm not what you'd call experienced hiker but have completed a little over 300 miles of the AT in section hikes the past year and half. I've learned a lot from others on the trail and just by doing it. I'm planning a couple of hikes in September but not sure they'll be over the weekends when you're off from classes. UMO has an active outing club you may find hiking partners there. There are quite a few thru-hikers heading nobo in Maine right now so if you get out on the AT at all you'll have some very experienced folks to chat with. There are some awesome sections in Maine that are great 2 - 4 day sections; Rt 4 to Rt 27 (over Saddleback to Sugarloaf), Bigelow range, Caratunk to Monson, or Monson to Gulf Hagus. Check out the AT shuttle list for help if you need help with rides. Best is to park at the end of your section and shuttle around to the start. That way you have flexibility on when you reach your car to head home.

If my plans change and I'm out on a weekend for a backpack trip I'll pop back and let you know my plans if you're interested. I'd be a "trail Mom" for you. I generally go for 3 - 4 days max backpacking and looking at the Monson to Gulf Hagus section the end of September with a friend. He hasn't been backpacking for years and also doesn't want to venture out alone the first time. We hike our own pace and just meet up at the campsite at night.

Good luck at school. Are you planning a thru-hike for 2009?


Lawn Sale
08-26-2008, 23:57
I also section hike the AT, among other trails, and have several years of experience, including winter.

Send me a PM if you want to head out sometime, I only have every other weekend off, but the opposite ones are 3 day weekends (Fri-Sun). I would be up for an overnight almost any weekend I have off, but since I have to get stuff done around the house, 3 days is a stretch.

One question, do you have gear?

08-27-2008, 13:23
I would encourage you to look into joining the Maine Outing Club at UMO. A great group of folks who you will be able to learn from. They also maintain a section of the AT in Maine so you will be able to "pay it forward" while you learn about hiking and camping.

08-27-2008, 17:43

There's great information here on hiking stuff. I'm not what you'd call experienced hiker but have completed a little over 300 miles of the AT in section hikes the past year and half. I've learned a lot from others on the trail and just by doing it. I'm planning a couple of hikes in September but not sure they'll be over the weekends when you're off from classes. UMO has an active outing club you may find hiking partners there. There are quite a few thru-hikers heading nobo in Maine right now so if you get out on the AT at all you'll have some very experienced folks to chat with. There are some awesome sections in Maine that are great 2 - 4 day sections; Rt 4 to Rt 27 (over Saddleback to Sugarloaf), Bigelow range, Caratunk to Monson, or Monson to Gulf Hagus. Check out the AT shuttle list for help if you need help with rides. Best is to park at the end of your section and shuttle around to the start. That way you have flexibility on when you reach your car to head home.

If my plans change and I'm out on a weekend for a backpack trip I'll pop back and let you know my plans if you're interested. I'd be a "trail Mom" for you. I generally go for 3 - 4 days max backpacking and looking at the Monson to Gulf Hagus section the end of September with a friend. He hasn't been backpacking for years and also doesn't want to venture out alone the first time. We hike our own pace and just meet up at the campsite at night.

Good luck at school. Are you planning a thru-hike for 2009?


Thanks for the trail recommendations, I've been looking into short 2-4 day trips but have been very busy as I get ready to move back to Orono. I'm also a member of the MOC and plan to hike with some members this fall. I can't believe that I did not think of shuttling from the end of the trail to the start, that would make any solo trip much simpler. If your plans change to include a weekend be sure to let me know! I'm planning for this fall hiking to be shakedowns for a 2009 (feb-march ish) thru

@Lawnsale, we will have to arrange something for a weekend that you have off. I do have almost all of my gear and just need a few rain and hygeine related things (I hope), and currently have NO plans for any weekends.

08-28-2008, 21:29
Always up for a hike.
