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01-29-2009, 14:08
Another foot+ of snow last night here in the Whites, the snow banks are starting to look impressive. Forcast is for a nice weekend, so think I'll go up to Gray Knob and take some video along the way. Stick my nose up above tree line for a few minutes.


01-29-2009, 14:09
Looks like to me it would be a great day to snowboard the back country.

01-29-2009, 14:16
Global Warming my ass.

01-29-2009, 15:01
Wow lots more than when I was there New Years Eve. (!)
Bet the skiing is better too.

01-29-2009, 15:05
My Honda snow blower is maxed out throwing the snow up on the banks. I've used the snow rake on the house and the barn but I still have more walking paths to clear.

01-29-2009, 15:19
It's been a good winter so far hasn't it. We had one record day, and January here has
averaged 10.4 degF compared to a 30 year average over 1971-2000 of 17.4 degF.

So January here has been 7degF below normal. It's nice that we still can enjoy some real winters like this, but there will not be as many. That's not really something to joke about, though I guess it is funny.

01-29-2009, 15:21
we got about 6-8" then freezing rain on top of it yesterday. Everything is an ice brick outside right now. And my boxers keep giving me dirty looks when they try to walk on it like it's somehow my fault. lol

:) I love living in New England!

01-29-2009, 15:34
we got about 6-8" then freezing rain on top of it yesterday. Everything is an ice brick outside right now. And my boxers keep giving me dirty looks when they try to walk on it like it's somehow my fault. lol

:) I love living in New England!

what the hell are you talki... oh your dogs.

01-29-2009, 15:36
How far up above the treeline are you going? Madison Hut?

01-29-2009, 15:55
How far up above the treeline are you going? Madison Hut?

I'll be going to the RMC Gray Knob cabin on Mt Adams. It sits just below tree line, has a caretaker and wood stove - which hopefully will be in use. Typically its fired up for a few hours in the evening. How far above tree line I go depends on conditions, but likely not too far.

01-29-2009, 15:59
we got about 6-8" then freezing rain on top of it yesterday. Everything is an ice brick outside right now.
:) I love living in New England!

Same here. Rain and warm forecast for next week. Gonna be a mess.

'cept woodsy. He gets snow. He likes snow.

01-29-2009, 17:14
what the hell are you talki... oh your dogs.

lol... if someone's non-canine, non-pugilist boxers are walking they might have issues... :eek:

01-29-2009, 18:50
Thanks for sharing your pic . I enjoy hiking in cold snowy weather , envy you.

01-30-2009, 09:38
The picture looks very similar to my street in the Cleveland area. Typical piles at driveway ends are mailbox high, minimum. 2nd snowiest Jan. on record so far, and slightly more today, over forty inches this month, and it hasn't melted any.

01-30-2009, 14:46
Typical piles at driveway ends are mailbox high, minimum.

Pulling out is a project. Other people pulling out is scary.