View Full Version : March 15 start date

02-15-2009, 22:39
this well be my first time attempting a thru hike, i have surfed this site pretty in-depth and am prob going to catch s#&^ for this question. here goes what kind of weather should i expect starting at springer on the 15th and how SHOULD it progress?

Blue Wolf
02-15-2009, 22:40
I am starting on the 16th so I will catch up to you and let you know..............Good luck on your hike.

02-15-2009, 22:41
I'm starting the 20th, see you both out there

Jim Adams
02-15-2009, 22:54
This is just what I've experienced over the years spending that week on the A.T. in Georgia for the past 7 years.
Average day time high is usually around 55* to 65*, night time temps usually around 45* to 55*...
it may be bright and sunny 3 days a week, overcast and nice 3 days a week, and raining 1 day a week...normal weather
it can go to 0* any night, freeze all your water and your wet shoes, snow, sleet, freezing rain, high wind or just a cold rain any or every day, all day...usually nice but very unpredictable. You need to be prepared for major weather changes.


02-16-2009, 11:47
It can anywhere from teens to 70 degrees.
50 mph Wind to calm.
Snow or rain.

You never can tell. :)
Just be prepared for extremes - it is spring, and have a super great hike.

02-16-2009, 12:54
we are just preparing for the worst

02-16-2009, 12:59
Sounds like your trail name will serve you well on the hike.
What's the third major food group? :p