View Full Version : PCT Film "Walked" Now Available

03-28-2009, 14:51
Just saw on his site that Squatch's latest release in the now inaccurately named "Walk Trilogy" has come out. I've loved the other movies and am eager to see the new (and possibly last) one.

I've always felt like there was something missing from his movies. Namely, me. Hopefully this problem will be addressed in "Walked."

Check the trailer out at walkpct.com

03-28-2009, 17:33
I don't see a trailer on that page...

03-28-2009, 17:56
Yes, support the man, he is very talented and puts out a good product. You can buy all 4 for 45 bucks, which is a damn good deal considering some sell one DVD for 2/3rds that price.

And if you hate Jester, buy it cause I'm in it :)

03-28-2009, 19:24
i have the first 3, look forward to seeing the new one.

04-03-2009, 19:51
piotr01 --
What you do is click on the words "Walked" where it says "click for more info." THAT page will have a trailer on it. Good luck!