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View Full Version : More front gear space needed!

06-10-2009, 13:42
Over the last couple trips, I've found myself annoyed with having to take my pack (Osprey Ather 60) off to get at certain items. Whether it be camera, gps, granola bar, bandana, pocket knife, whistle... you get the idea. For me, I like and almost need these items in quick reach while I'm walking. I've picked up one of the front pouches from Granite which attach onto the front waist belt of my pack, but it really isn't cutting it.

Any suggestions out there?

06-10-2009, 14:02
waist pack? that's what I use for all that stuff including some small snacks

06-10-2009, 14:03
and to add to that I got a larger sized one so I have plenty of room....it really worked out well for me. I thought the buckle might bother me but it didn't at all

06-10-2009, 14:08
waist pack? that's what I use for all that stuff including some small snacks

Do you find that the buckle from the waist pack rubs much against your back where it comes into contact with your backpack? Discomforts etc? Thanks!

06-10-2009, 14:08
and to add to that I got a larger sized one so I have plenty of room....it really worked out well for me. I thought the buckle might bother me but it didn't at all

Ya beat me to it! lol

How many liters / cu would you say your waist pack is?

06-10-2009, 14:13
http://www.ems.com/catalog/product_detail_square.jsp?PRODUCT%3C%3Eprd_id=8455 24442596274&FOLDER%3C%3Efolder_id=2534374302876314

Maybe 250 cu in??? I could even use something bigger....but I think that is my "purse" mechanism LOL

06-10-2009, 14:17
I kept all the things you listed (minus gps), plus my maps and my data book, snacks, my phone, my ipod (don't judge me LOL) and had an extra pocket for trash like wrappers or what not.

06-10-2009, 14:20
I have a small waist pack -- maybe from Eagle Creek? I wear it in front, and the buckle is actually right next to the pack, not around my back. Easy to wear with a big pack.

It carries my camera, wallet, headlamp, knife, map, etc. in easy reach while walking, in camp, and in town.

06-10-2009, 14:21
Yea and I am pretty sure that mountain smith makes one that buckles to the side

06-10-2009, 14:27
I have used a big fanny pack also and it worked well and I liked having the water bottle holders up front also. It works best if suspened off the front straps and integrated with the hip belt of your backpack, rather than being redundant and cluttered up with it. Also, all fanny packs on the market tend to be overbuilt. There don't seem to be any UL fanny packs, or front packs. The proper thing to do would be to strip it down or make a UL front pack that integrates with the shoulder straps and hip belt of your UL backpack. Good way to add some volume to a moderate sized UL backpack, and also enables the backpack to be of a light and simple trashcan type extra pockets.

You might have to cut the straps on your backpack though, so that the front pack attaches and adjusts to the reduced straps in 4 places, each shoulder and each hip. You could still use the backpack without the frontpack with some straps to fill in the difference. Most backpacks have the shoulder straps attach to the pack just above the hip belt, but I think this could be modified so that the shoulder straps attach directly to the front pack, or to the hip belt itself when the front pack is removed and the extra strapping takes its place. As long a most weight is on the hips, the shoulder straps shouldn't have to run all the way back to the pack.

Rain Man
06-10-2009, 16:46
Over the last couple trips, I've found myself annoyed with having to take my pack (Osprey Ather 60) off to get at certain items. ...

I agree 100%. Last hike, I wore a "fanny pack" turned around so it was on the front. The buckle did not hurt my back at all. But it was a pain to put on and take off two packs, and to have the one banging my belly.

Right now I'm taking a look at Granite Gear's shoulder strap pockets--
Granite Gear shoulder strap pockets (http://www.granitegear.com/products/accessories/shoulderpocket.html)

Anyone have experience with them?



06-10-2009, 16:50
In pics I have seen alot of people wearing waist packs or fanny packs turned to the front to carry quick touch essentials. My son ended up wearing a back pack on his back and his day pack on the front when he backpacked Spain last year, it worked for him.

Many Walks
06-10-2009, 16:53

Mount your small camera bag on your sternum strap so it's easy to reach and always has it's place. That case is also a good place for ID, money, and cards in a ziplock.

If you use a hydration bladder it would free up the side mesh pockets to hold snacks & GPS.

Tie or clip our bandanna on the top of your shoulder strap so it's easy to grab when needed. I got a chamois towel from the dollar store, installed a plastic grommet in one corner and clip it to a load leveler strap with a carabiner. Works great for me.

Whistle should attach to your shoulder strap for quick access.

Pocket knife might go in your pocket. I have a Leatherman folding knife with a clip on the end that hooks on a side strap for easy access.

Doesn't look like the Aether 60 has hip belt pockets. I can't remember the source at the moment, but I have seen accessory pockets that can be added to a hip belt for the smaller items without having an extra fanny pack.

I hike in nylon pants or shorts with cargo pockets that are also good to hold some items.

Hope it helps.

06-10-2009, 17:00
I've used a fanny pack twisted around front for years, probably as long as I've been backpacking. It works great for me.


06-10-2009, 17:42
I started with an Ather 60 and found the lack of hip belt pockets to be a real drag.

So... I got a pack with hip belt pockets (ULA Catalyst) and between that, and all the pockets on the pants/shorts I wear hiking I'm good to go.

06-10-2009, 17:51
In the Peruvian Amazon, the locals generally carry regular backpacks backwards, turned to the front so the pack is in front. That should give you plenty of front space. :)

06-10-2009, 17:52
I have a marmot pouch that I use for my "European carry-all" on my aether 70. I'm just looking for a link to it but cant seem to find it. One of the best things i ever purchased.

06-10-2009, 18:06
Over the last couple trips, I've found myself annoyed with having to take my pack (Osprey Ather 60) off to get at certain items. Whether it be camera, gps, granola bar, bandana, pocket knife, whistle... you get the idea. For me, I like and almost need these items in quick reach while I'm walking. I've picked up one of the front pouches from Granite which attach onto the front waist belt of my pack, but it really isn't cutting it.

Any suggestions out there?
I use a Syncpack for when I carrying a bunch of camera equipment. Bob Peoples says he has seen more than a few folks using one on the AT. It is the ultimate front pack IMO and as a bonus it redistributes the weight to put your load more over your hips and lessens/removes pull on your shoulders.



06-10-2009, 19:39
I use a Syncpack for when I carrying a bunch of camera equipment. Bob Peoples says he has seen more than a few folks using one on the AT. It is the ultimate front pack IMO and as a bonus it redistributes the weight to put your load more over your hips and lessens/removes pull on your shoulders.


I bought one and returned it after five miles going up the mountain out of penmar it started to fall about the guy gave me my money back but now I used a
http://media.rei.com/media/qq/0fc2b85a-4132-42ea-bdf5-21d1ea1333e5.jpg (http://www.rei.com/features/zoom.html?img440=/media/qq/0fc2b85a-4132-42ea-bdf5-21d1ea1333e5%26style=778453%26sku=7784530037&imageServiceHost=http://www.rei.com/&productInfoServiceHost=http://www.rei.com/&TB_iframe=true&height=513&width=700)
modified to fit my waist belt, which holds snacks, and camera and room to spare less than 20 $ the other is less than 100

06-10-2009, 19:45
I like the concept but at 2.2 pounds, this thing weighs more than twice as much as my backpack.

For a belly bag, I have a silnylon one (couple ounces) I bought from Dancing Light Gear (Brawny & Rainmaker). Before they stopped selling them, I bought a second one, so I'm good for years. It's pretty simple and I don't know why someone handy with a seeing machine couldn't put one together.

I put my backpack on first and then the belly bag. Works fine for me.

I use a Syncpack for when I carrying a bunch of camera equipment. Bob Peoples says he has seen more than a few folks using one on the AT. It is the ultimate front pack IMO and as a bonus it redistributes the weight to put your load more over your hips and lessens/removes pull on your shoulders.



06-10-2009, 21:45
I like the concept but at 2.2 pounds, this thing weighs more than twice as much as my backpack.

Like I said, I use it mostly for "luxury/photog" trips. Nothing beats it for carrying heavy camera equipment. And you have the bonus of having access to other stuff too.

I have used it on "regular" trips to see if the redistribution was worth the extra 2.2 pounds. I'm not sure the redistribution doesn't trump the extra weight. It's a close call.

Would I use it on a thru? I doubt it. But it's not too far off, especially if I was having shoulder issues.

06-10-2009, 21:51
pants pockets.

i usually hike in either a pair of walmart swimming trunks or a pair of campmor zipoff convertible pants. both have pockets, both regular ones and on the thigh. i can't help you with the GPS, but the other stuff can all go in a pocket... knife in front, bandana can be tied around the lower portion of one strap, whistle can go in a pocket or on a short "idiot cord" off your pack strap. i carry my camera (small Canon Powershot 560) in a breast or thigh pocket. i use a pin-on compass that goes on my left pack strap.

you might rig up something with bungi cords or velcro to attach the GPS or camera pouch(es) to a pack strap, sorta like soldiers used to carry their first aid packets, compasses, and flashlights on their LBE (load-bearing eqpt) suspenders.

you might also rig up a small GPS and/or camera pouch to attach to your waist belt (one on each side... like a pair of six-shooters!) leather's not that expensive, and you can make a snug pouch with leather, dental floss, and a nail... or maybe not. but you know someone who could, i'm sure, if you're not that handy. you can get scraps of leather at any feed store that repairs saddles, and they also sell those little copper rivets for about a dime each, maybe less... you wouldn't even have to sew then... just make a hole and pound a rivet together...

06-10-2009, 22:06
Have you considered an Aarn backpack (http://www.aarnpacks.com/)? Quite a few folks over at Hammock Forums have them and swear by 'em.


06-10-2009, 22:28
Have you considered an Aarn backpack (http://www.aarnpacks.com/)? Quite a few folks over at Hammock Forums have them and swear by 'em.

Similar to the Syncpack in redistribution.

06-10-2009, 23:03
i personally enjoy taking my pack off when i grab a snack (usually every 2 hours). i just put my "snacks" into a grocery bag in the very top of my pack. i also use that time to look at my maps for the upcoming few hours. like someone else said i keep my 'frequent use" items in my water bottle pockets since i use a bladder (this would be steripen, shamwow, deet, and my fuel/windscreen). the fuel isn't a 'frequent use' item, but i don't like keeping that inside my pack

my camera is in a camera case that simply clips through my waistbelt on my aether 70. it is right at my waist when i need it (dead center), but out of the way when going uphill. i can't stand having **** all around my waist or in my pockets when i'm hiking

06-10-2009, 23:10
go to your local army navy surplus store, look at all the types of magazine carriers. most are made to keep your ammo clean and dry,,,yet easy to get to. i carry a b/p cuff and other quick supplies in them and have them on my jump bag.

Downhill Trucker
06-15-2009, 06:27
I like the concept but at 2.2 pounds, this thing weighs more than twice as much as my backpack.

For a belly bag, I have a silnylon one (couple ounces) I bought from Dancing Light Gear (Brawny & Rainmaker). Before they stopped selling them, I bought a second one, so I'm good for years. It's pretty simple and I don't know why someone handy with a seeing machine couldn't put one together.

I put my backpack on first and then the belly bag. Works fine for me.

You got a picture of that belly pack, cause I'm quite handy with the sewing machine and I wanna make one!