View Full Version : Wine Powder

09-18-2009, 16:29

Anyone ever heard or used this powder?

09-18-2009, 16:31

Sorry about that. Thought I had inserted a pic with the submission. Would really like to hear feedback from anyone using the powder

09-18-2009, 16:57
Is there booze in it?

09-18-2009, 17:27
zoom in on top of pic. Says 8.5% alcohol.

09-18-2009, 18:53
Innnnnnteresting. . . . :-?

09-18-2009, 19:25
Can't find any place to actually order it. My g/f would love this! I tried thier website, but you can't order it over the net....so where do we get it?

09-18-2009, 19:45
A new gimmick geared towards the gram weenies. I' have never had any problem carrying whatever alcohol I desired. My only question is, will you be allowed to have this powdered stuff i your possession at the Place?

Del Q
09-18-2009, 19:48
WOW Talk about a superb light-weight option. Very nice.

Del Q
09-18-2009, 19:50
Do you treat, then mix, then enjoy, or just mix & enjoy, fugeddabout the Aqua Mira?

09-18-2009, 20:11
I need Pebble Puppy to hike with our locals and help carry some of our alcohol. Seems we can never carry enough in. Sounds like I have a problem doesnt it? The mftr also makes a "CHEESBURGER IN A CAN" that you heat up the can in your pot

09-18-2009, 20:16
How the hell they dehydrate ethanol is what I want to know.

09-18-2009, 21:45
How the hell they dehydrate ethanol is what I want to know.
Apparently they gots mad skillz. . . .

le loupe
09-18-2009, 21:54
or maybe you rehydrate with an 8% grain alcohol solution...

09-18-2009, 22:37
A new gimmick geared towards the gram weenies. I' have never had any problem carrying whatever alcohol I desired. My only question is, will you be allowed to have this powdered stuff i your possession at the Place?

Possess whatever the hell you want at "The Place." Just keep it packed away and don't abuse substances there.

09-18-2009, 22:39
Possess whatever the hell you want at "The Place." Just keep it packed away and don't abuse substances there.


09-19-2009, 11:08
I've read that there are two kinds of wine powder; one with alcohol, one without.

The non-alcohol powders are wine extracts that purport to contain polyphenols...the healthy part of wine. The powders do not produce an alcohol beverage.:rolleyes:

The other type is effectively a sugar-like compound that has absorbed alcohol and then is mixed with red food dye. It doesn't derive from wine...it's never seen a grape. I think that is what is shown in the above picture...it's made by Katadyn, no less!:eek:

I've also read that, after years on the market, sales of the alcohol-containing wine powder will be ending...in favor of 'beer powder.'

All together now, "Be still my little backpacker heart!":D


Rocket Jones
09-19-2009, 11:34
A lot of cooking with wine doesn't depend on alcohol content anyway. It'll simmer out while leaving the taste behind, which is what the powders do - add the taste.

Wise Old Owl
09-19-2009, 11:39
I was thinking grain alcohol thru a freeze dry process, but that wouldn't work would it?

Wise Old Owl
09-19-2009, 11:42

Shame it's not the Humor forum, Think of the possibilities.....

"Warg, you have one mean look'in pussy":p

09-21-2009, 11:56
I've tried the red wine powder from Packit Gourmet (it isn't supposed to be a drink - I used it as an ingredient in test-dish). It was pretty vinegary.

09-22-2009, 22:57
Packit has a couple types of the wine powders for cooking - the red can be pretty strong, the Chablis is not so bad. But it is only for seasoning ;-) Not drinking!