View Full Version : HBA's, Backpacking, and Bears

09-24-2009, 08:53
I've seen some posts on other websites about hygiene and using muscle rubs for foot care( feels really, really good actually), baby powder, and deodorant. Are these things along with shaving cream, hand and body loition, lip balm, etc safe in bear country?

Lone Wolf
09-24-2009, 08:54
yes they are safe

09-24-2009, 08:55
Most bears don't use any of that stuff. . .

09-24-2009, 09:58
This is from the rules for the Adirondacks:http://www.dec.ny.gov/animals/30876.html

Pack all scented items (food, toiletries, and trash) in the canister. Separate all items into sealed plastic bags or containers to prevent cross-contamination and to reduce odors that will attract bears.
You probably don't need a bear canister elsewhere, but you should put anything with a scent into your hung bear bag. Opsak makes plastic bags that are much more odor proof than regular plastic bags. You might put toiletries into a small opsak zip lock and the food into a bigger one. This will help somewhat with smaller creatures.

09-24-2009, 14:34
Thanks for the responses. :) What about any lingering scents on a person at night, would that attract visits from bears or vermin?

09-24-2009, 14:37
Thanks for the responses. :) What about any lingering scents on a person at night, would that attract visits from bears or vermin?

This is a question I've always had. What good is hanging/bear cannistering (is that a word??) if I've been using all of that stuff?

Lone Wolf
09-24-2009, 14:39
What good is hanging/bear cannistering (is that a word??) if I've been using all of that stuff?

what good? no good. it's useless

09-24-2009, 14:47
This is a question I've always had. What good is hanging/bear cannistering (is that a word??) if I've been using all of that stuff?

LOL Yeah I've always thought about it ever since I was a Boy Scouts. Now after all these years I'm finally asking if it's like lathering myself in bbq sauce.