View Full Version : crayfish

01-19-2010, 20:12
anyone ever find a decent amount of crayfish around streams on the trail and know best places to find some

01-19-2010, 22:43
Hey RaginCajun! I'm over here in Covington....I a recent transplant....born and raised in N.O.....Anyhow,
I Certinaly hope our crop of 'crawfish', 'crawdads' , mudbugs' are good this year!
Are you planning any trips?'
lemme know,

01-19-2010, 23:42
Hey I love dem' mudbugs too but I don't think you are gonna have any real success pulling any quantity out of a stream. We used to do that back when I was a Scout for wilderness survival and we only got about a dozen or so....the ones that live in streams just aren't as densely populated at the ones in the rice patties.

Jim Adams
01-19-2010, 23:45
good supply of muscles in the northern New England ponds.


01-19-2010, 23:59
I didn't actively hunt, but I did see a few in the Kimsey creek in NC, and have seen a number of burrows on a few other creeks on the AT. Not many, but usually I'm there in cooler weather so,,,,,

01-20-2010, 07:41
Whatever crawdads you can find on the AT are not going to be large enough to feed a growing boy from La. IMO

01-20-2010, 09:27
Not that it was recent, but I remember back in 1987 on a scout trip finding crayfish in the Tye River in Virginia. Wasnt my kinda thing but I remember that enough were found that the Scoutmasters cooked them up for the troop.

01-20-2010, 09:58
anyone ever find a decent amount of crayfish around streams on the trail and know best places to find some

My 11 year old son has a knack for finding them. His eyesight is such that he can see the tiniest insects and such but for some reason can't find his shoes when they are in the middle of the kitchen floor.

He has most success on small streams near trails that are not heavily used.

I do feel a little guilty about gathering them as it is not exactly in conformity with LNT.

They are so good though, we normally have them as an appetizer before dinner.

01-20-2010, 10:00
last summer we caught about 20 in a half hour in a small creek in virginia... can't remember which one though, sorry