View Full Version : 17 or more uses for 1 piece of 198 gram gear

02-19-2010, 14:05
Emergency bivies: to carry or not...

There are multiple uses that came to mind in connection with the 6.9 oz. Thermo-Lite Bivy 2.0 (http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/product.php?product=146 (http://www.adventuremedicalkits.com/product.php?product=146)) after making some very minor modifications to it.

First, the modifications (sorry for no pitcures but use your imagination...)

A. Slit the bag along its side seam so it's all the way open along the side (there are existing velcrow patches about halfway down from the top of the bag so just slit from there down).

B. Slit the foot box all the way open along its seam (avoid destroying the footbox opening/"mesh" located at the bottom).

C. Put velcro patching along the now-opened material so that the bag can be closed fully by pushing the newly installed and original velcrow strips back together. (Use the existing spacing for a template if you want or any other spacing you think is better).

D. Stitch each side of the "slit" sides if you want to prevent fraying or simply tape/leave as is.

E. You now have a rectangular bag that will open to a 72" x 84"/6' x 7' rectangle (it's not "perfectly rectangular" but close enough for the purposes below).

F. Attach grommets or "tie outs" to each corner of this opened rectangle and additional grommets/"tie outs" at various points along each side (the number is up to you but should become easy to determine based on the intended/possible uses listed below).

How can you use this item now ? Here are some thoughts (your useage may vary :)):

Emergency bivy (original intended use)
folded: dry sit pad/resting pad/nap pad/pack pad
folded: dry pad for pack to rest on
opened up: summer “blanket”
opened up: tent ground cloth
opened up: bivy ground cloth
opened up: hail protector for tent/shelter (e.g., other tarp or hammock fly)
opened up: sleeping pad/sleeping bag ground cloth
w/ grommets and staked: tarp
temporary sunshade (opened partially or fully, w/ or without grommets, staked or un-staked)
emergency signal (opened partially or fully, w/ or without grommets, staked or un-staked)
form into sink for washing clothes/cookware
form into bag to hold clothes/other gear/food
form into bag to hang food/pack/etc.
form into water bag to carry extra water to camp
wrap around/insulate hot/cold items from town (e.g., pizza, ice cream; “adult beverages”)
cut into strips for emergency bandage/restraint of broken limb
You can get the Thermo-Lite 2.0 (now called the SUL I believe) for around $27-35 at a number of places. I found it for $26.49:

http://www.moosejaw.com/moosejaw/shop/product_Adventure-Medical-Kits-Thermo-Lite-2.0-Bivy_10052312____?cm_mmc=CSE-_-GoogleBase-_-na-_-Adventure-Medical-Kits-Thermo-Lite-2.0-Bivy&ad_id=GoogleBase (http://www.moosejaw.com/moosejaw/shop/product_Adventure-Medical-Kits-Thermo-Lite-2.0-Bivy_10052312____?cm_mmc=CSE-_-GoogleBase-_-na-_-Adventure-Medical-Kits-Thermo-Lite-2.0-Bivy&ad_id=GoogleBase)

02-19-2010, 19:51
McGyver, I mean RayBan, you get the UL Most Uses For A Piece of Gear Gold Medal Award this wk.

02-19-2010, 20:22
Bonus use :
Shower bag ( a hose is needed for repeated use...)

02-19-2010, 22:09

Respectfully submitted by grayfox

02-19-2010, 22:55
Good stuff to know. Thanks!

02-20-2010, 04:28
back pack rain cove?