View Full Version : Update on Trail Conditions

03-08-2010, 18:54
Hi all, I made it to Hiawassee (Dicks Creek Gap) without any hiccups yet. I started with the 8-12 inches of snow fall on the 2nd, but it provided good traction and was quickly compressed under the foot traffic. The temperatures seem to be rising and the snow is beginning to melt. The past couple days have been warm enough to hike in a t-shirt, but my boots are still freezing each night.

Yesterday though slowed me up a little as there was quite a bit of ice and slick snow, especially going into and out of Unicoi Gap. Traction devices would have been helpful in a couple sections, but would require constantly putting them on and taking them off. Snowshoes have not been necessary.

There have been a number of blowdowns, most are easily avoided or stepped over, but just North of Tray Mtn was a little hairy (I thought for sure a hurricane went through and I was no longer on the trail).

All in all, I am having a great time. I hear rain is coming, but that is all part of the game.

03-08-2010, 19:00
Thanks for the update. Good Stuff. Glad to hear you're having a great time. Stay warm.

03-08-2010, 21:44
Hobbit, just spoke to my grandson, BAMA. He is in hiawassee also. Said he knows you. Have a great adventure.

03-08-2010, 21:59
Hobbit, just spoke to my grandson, BAMA. He is in hiawassee also. Said he knows you. Have a great adventure.

Yep, I ran into him at neels gap and then again today in town :)

03-09-2010, 09:27
I think you've also encountered my boyfriend, Marc? The RPI grad? Tell him Kayleigh says hi!

03-09-2010, 13:57
Snow is melting fast in NC/TN around the Smokies.

Forecast for the Smokies is for rain to start this evening and continuing through Fri/Sat. This may result in some more snow at the higher elevations, but will mostly be rain that should eliminate any snow remaining below 5000 ft.

Crews will be going in early next week to clear blow downs between NOC and Fontana. Crews are scheduled to be working in the Smokies the first week of April to remove blow downs there.

03-09-2010, 16:38
Thanks for posting this thread! I will be starting around Friday, March 26th, and I really like to hear these updates about trail conditions on the southern end.

03-09-2010, 17:52
If this rain melts some snow near the smokies I'll have to get back on the trail next week or so.

Cedar Tree
03-09-2010, 19:36
If this rain melts some snow near the smokies I'll have to get back on the trail next week or so.

Me too! I did from Hwy 16 at the Ranger Station down to Atkins Sunday. I stayed at Chatfield Shelter. The snow was still pretty deep in spots. Early in the morning it was easy walking because you could walk up on top of the snow. But as the day warmed up it became back to postholing like in in GA. I plan to do another 11 mile section close to home probably tomorrow or Thursday, and hopefully jump back on at Newfound Gap this weekend or early next week. I ordered some yaktraks and I am waiting for them to come in too.
Cedar Tree

03-09-2010, 20:49
updates are good. be on the trail soon!

03-10-2010, 19:50
Trail overseer reports from two days ago are still calling out deep snow drifts, blowdowns (not that many) frozen in the ground, and a Skyline Drive resembling a luge track.... though the Drive in north and central district was open and some overlooks and trailheads were plowed enough for a few cars.

Trail crews are definitely delayed in getting to the AT the further north you go. As this snow slowly melts and compacts, the moisture reforms as ice at tread level during sub-freezing overnight hours.

Hopefully the big rain predicted for later this week will work some magic.

03-11-2010, 08:28
Work trip to clear blowdowns between NOC and Fontana has been scheduled for Mar 15-17. There will be a lot of sawing those 3 days in that section. If you are hiking through that section at that time, please be alert. Also, if you would like to assist the crews, we can always use folks to help with limb removal and any treadway repair necessary.