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View Full Version : Hiker Rescue Balloon!

04-09-2010, 20:55
Interesting product (http://www.yankodesign.com/2010/04/06/youre-not-mowgli/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed:+yankodesign+(Yanko+Design+-+Form+Beyond+Function)&utm_content=Google+Reader).

Not so sure you'd need it on the AT though.

04-09-2010, 21:31
Very interesting. Sometimes simple is totally effective.

04-09-2010, 22:42
I'm sorry this tube would have to be huge to be spotted by any aircraft which would require a lot of helium and then how long would this stay in the air before it would need more helium and how much would this weigh?

04-09-2010, 23:24
It wouldn't have to be huge. Many wilderness areas have regular, low-flying smoke watching patrols. Plus any time a search due to an overdue hiker was initiated, this could be immensely valuable.

I assume, if the balloon is made out of a Mylar lined material, it could stay aloft for several days.

04-09-2010, 23:38
I remember there was a thread about a female hiker out west that went missing not too long ago. I'm not sure how that was resolved. But there were a lot of air searches, and I think this would have helped immensely.

If anyone has any knowledge of what happened to her, I'd appreciate it. One specific detail I remember is that they found one of her receipts on the trial, if that rings any bells.

Great White
04-10-2010, 00:29
It looks too small to provide an effective visual signature. The only thing going for it is the high contrast with the ground. If a long cloth say greater then 30 feet in length 1 foot in width was attached, it may be effective. Then you would have motion to attract the eye. Another thing I am not sure about is the length of the line from the ground. I think it needs to rise at least 100 feet. Those are my thoughts at least.

04-10-2010, 01:05
This looks like a great idea..I think it is just right..If it is light enough..The size dosnt have to be too big..Those markers they put on the ground for ariel photos of parks and building sites are not big at all..

04-10-2010, 01:49
What about the idea of using a carrier pigeon to carry a "help" message.


04-10-2010, 05:00
What about the idea of using a carrier pigeon to carry a "help" message.


If you didn't need the pigeon for help, it would make a tasty meal. :sun

04-10-2010, 07:28
Love their comment about "Luxuriant Trees overhead"


Rocket Jones
04-10-2010, 09:03
A little extra movement would be useful. Two or three 30' lengths of construction barrier tape (about an inch wide) in flourescent orange and yellow, or silver reflective mylar would really increase the odds of seeing it against any background. Either tie them on with a simple overhand knot or use a bit of duct tape.

04-10-2010, 10:52
If you didn't need the pigeon for help, it would make a tasty meal. :sun

yea, that's a good point. :D


Hikes with a stick
04-10-2010, 11:28
Someone has to be looking for you in order for you to be found? How can the balloon trigger a search to start? Unless you are late checking in with someone or wanted by the law, people are not going to go looking for you.

04-10-2010, 19:01
Someone has to be looking for you in order for you to be found? How can the balloon trigger a search to start? Unless you are late checking in with someone or wanted by the law, people are not going to go looking for you.

Well, if you have an ounce of common sense, then you tell someone where you are going and a time that they should be worried if you're not back or haven't called. Once the authorities have been contacted and a missing persons report has been filed, I sure hope they come looking for you. Also, small aircraft and helicopters are usually easily heard, so if you were dumb and told no one where you were going, you could just let that puppy go as soon as you heard a small craft. Obviously, it does not have the same features as a SPOT, because it is a balloon for Christ's sake. But, as the product description says, it would be useful in an area where GPS is spotty.

04-10-2010, 19:28
Glad somebody is thinking outside the SPOT.

04-11-2010, 11:02
Yea, my luck the cord would be, for example, 100' long, the trees i would be lost in would all be over 125' tall & the balloon wouldn't be strong enough to lift an extra 25' of my utility cord. :p

Pedaling Fool
04-11-2010, 16:41
The concept is good, but not sure about the product, would love to see results from non-bias testing. Some questions I have:

How big is the ballon?
How much does the kit weigh and how bulky is it?
How long will it stay aloft?
How does wind affect it? i.e. 5mph; 10mph; 15mph...
How much does it cost?
What is the shelf life?

Big fires are great at getting attention.

04-11-2010, 17:30
To heck with the rescue.....use it to float around a pond......relax and have another beer.

04-11-2010, 18:32
The concept is good, but not sure about the product, would love to see results from non-bias testing. Some questions I have:

How big is the ballon?
How much does the kit weigh and how bulky is it?
How long will it stay aloft?
How does wind affect it? i.e. 5mph; 10mph; 15mph...
How much does it cost?
What is the shelf life?

Big fires are great at getting attention.

I agree with you there, the link I provided doesn't have too much info aside from biased advertising. I can't find any more info as of yet.

04-11-2010, 22:32
It has been my experience people will do nothing, thinking some "expert" somewhere is on-the-job.

There are practically no smoke-watchers, and almost no manned forest service towers.

In an area, where there are hunters, three shots work.

Three of anything is better than nothing.

I would not want to rely on orange smoke or a flare, except on a highway. Even then, people may assume the highway patrol is already there.

When people abdicate responsibility for theirself and for others, they say some "expert" is on-the-job.

It is my experience, there are no "experts": it is all a big "confidence racket".

The person who needs to rescue you, is you, or maybe someone who has skills and who is competent happens along.

I don't even think a balloon would work for a kayaker or a canoist, unless accompanied by aerial parachute flares (three) because three distress symbols indicate rescue is required. I think the balloon is little more than a location device over water (in waves) once help is closing in on your location.

No one expects a balloon to indicate need for rescue of a hiker.

They might investigate, maybe.

04-12-2010, 06:41
I think this is a pretty good idea. Can't really tell anything about this particular product as not many specifics provided in the link. But, a good concept. It may not work as a call for help, but, like others have said, if SAR is looking for you and you are in a predetermined area, the SAR crew would be able to see it a whole lot easier than an injured hiker, lying flat on his back, wearing earth-tones, below the tree-tops.

04-12-2010, 15:09
It's just a concept so far. It's not for sale or anything. It hasn't been tested. There probably isn't even a model of it. It's a great idea though.