View Full Version : The Big Unit

06-19-2010, 20:03
I had to bail out of a section hike but my bud went ahead without me as should be. He should be on trail around Kent CT tomorrow and heading toward, oh, Cheshire MA in a few days. Any of you in the neighborhood give an extra hello from tractor and wish him well. He has but about 140 AT miles under the belt so far and might get a kick out of an extra "How-Do" from any of you that happen to be handy. Thanks and have a great rest of the day if at all possible. t

06-19-2010, 20:10
No way I'm gonna ask how we can recognize him....

06-19-2010, 21:11
big unit has one of my old green external frame packs, blue roll-up sleep pad and will be using my old msr wisperlite. t