View Full Version : Replacement for Nalgene water bottle?....

09-26-2010, 15:51
Trying to trim some ounces...I like the durability, but think I can save a few ounces here....is there a good, durable, lightweight water bottle. I also like have one with a squirt spout instead of lips on the lid....

09-26-2010, 16:05
Recycle a 1 liter/1 quart sized Gatorade bottle. I find them to be functional, durable, and light.

Hikes in Rain
09-26-2010, 16:08
Might also consider a bladder with a squirt-top lid. As you drink, you also gain space in the pack. (Of course, you fill it right back up.....)

09-26-2010, 16:08
Gatorade bottles are fine and plentiful. Don't worry about durability because you can find replacements at nearly every road crossing and parking lot. The wider mouth is good too.

Not sure why you want a squirt spout. If it's for a make-shift shower, you can carry an extra lid with small holes drilled in it.

Mountain Wildman
09-26-2010, 16:25
Platypus Soft Bottle 1.2oz. http://cascadedesigns.com/platypus/handheld-hydration/softbottle/product

Platypus Plus Bottle 1.3oz. http://cascadedesigns.com/platypus/handheld-hydration/plusbottle/product

09-26-2010, 16:45
Gatorade bottles are fine and plentiful. Don't worry about durability because you can find replacements at nearly every road crossing and parking lot. The wider mouth is good too.

Not sure why you want a squirt spout. If it's for a make-shift shower, you can carry an extra lid with small holes drilled in it.

I try to keep the lid of the water bottle cleaner and don't want lips to touch so opten...

09-26-2010, 21:59
Platypus Soft Bottle 1.2oz. http://cascadedesigns.com/platypus/handheld-hydration/softbottle/product

Platypus Plus Bottle 1.3oz. http://cascadedesigns.com/platypus/handheld-hydration/plusbottle/product

DITTO. Hands down the best option for a water container, nothing else comes close. Carry an extra 2 liter Platy for camp, folds down to take up no space in your pack while on the trail. Nalgenes are heavy and Gator Aid bottles are clunky and heavier. No brainer really.

09-26-2010, 23:23
I use quart Aquafina water bottles as they are slimmer than Gatorade bottles and slide into the side pockets of my $30 Walmart pack (http://at-trail.blogspot.com/2010/03/hiking-backpack-outdoor-products.html) easier.

I try to keep the lid of the water bottle cleaner and don't want lips to touch so opten...

When using iodine or bleach for water purification leave the bottle cap on loose and let the solution leak around the threads. I also manually wipe down the threads and inside the bottle cap, a form of mechanical decontamination.

The Platypus Soft Bottle is great for carrying extra water at the end of the day or to get through dry sections of trail. Rolls up small until needed and weighs very little.

09-27-2010, 05:54
Yep, Gatorade bottles are fine. Check out the 1.5 liter Smart Water bottles- nice, tall, durable, and small diameter to fit your outer pack pocket better.

I also carry a platy with a hydration tube inside the top of my pack for convenience.

mister krabs
09-27-2010, 08:39
Gatoraide 24 oz bottles have a squeeze top.

04-07-2011, 13:08
^ From my experience, they are not that durable though and would honestly be scared bringing that hiking with me. I swapped my Nalgene bottles out for Gatorade bottles about a year ago and am very happy with the results (fyi the gatorade bottles are DEFINITELY lighter, no matter what anyone says).

One recommendation, if you do decide to go with gatorade bottles, make sure you do not buy ones with clear plastic tops as they become very easy to lose. Personally, I use 2 bottles w/ orange tops w/ one extra cap in my FAK for that 'just in case' accident.

04-07-2011, 13:25
Smart Water Bottles work great also

04-12-2011, 16:48
To add to my post, if you want a simple way to not lose your cap while on the trail. Tie a small piece of rope around the neck of the bottle, drill a hole into the top of the lid, put the rope through and tie a knot on the underside. Now your lids permanently attached! You may have to put some silicone on the lid though where you drill to prevent water from leaking. Have not done this before but have thought about doing it many times.

Or you could just keep an extra lid with you! haha

04-12-2011, 17:09
An idea I have been working on or at least thinking about for some time is to carry two wide mouthed and not too tall metal cannisters with sealable lids that can double as both water carriers and cook pots/mugs. Ideally about 700-1000ml each. So far the wide mouthed jobbies on the market are not quite there yet, but are getting there. I've tried retrofitting sealable lids to large aluminum beer cans but haven't gotten it done yet.

04-12-2011, 18:32
An idea I have been working on or at least thinking about for some time is to carry two wide mouthed and not too tall metal cannisters with sealable lids that can double as both water carriers and cook pots/mugs. Ideally about 700-1000ml each. So far the wide mouthed jobbies on the market are not quite there yet, but are getting there. I've tried retrofitting sealable lids to large aluminum beer cans but haven't gotten it done yet.

You mean like this:

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/acsskidsteer/th_IMG_0820.jpg (http://s222.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/acsskidsteer/?action=view&current=IMG_0820.jpg)

This is how it looks alongside the 1 Liter bottle I usually carry:

http://i222.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/acsskidsteer/th_IMG_0821.jpg (http://s222.photobucket.com/albums/dd238/acsskidsteer/?action=view&current=IMG_0821.jpg)

04-12-2011, 19:47
I just carry 1 liter water bottles since they fit nicely into the pack pockets and only weigh 1 oz or so. I usually wrap 1 layer of duct tape around the middle to keep them from splitting if I drop it, plus you never know when you might need some duct tape!

04-12-2011, 21:34
I swear by the 1 liter Vitamin water bottles. I like that it's not as fat as the Gatorade bottle and can slide into my side pockets but it still has a wide drinking mouth.

04-13-2011, 13:26
Trying to trim some ounces...I like the durability, but think I can save a few ounces here....is there a good, durable, lightweight water bottle. I also like have one with a squirt spout instead of lips on the lid....

I use Two 20oz Gatorade Bottles attached to my Shoulder Straps with Zpacks.com Shoulder Pouches and Two 1 liter Platypus Collapsible Bottles. Whole thing weighs in at 4oz.

Had one blow out with the bladder system, SUCKS, and have been on trips where others developed leaks and had to share water.

The whole eggs in one basket saying applies her for me.

04-13-2011, 19:06
I use the widemouth 1L Nalgene Cantene with my steripen and a widemouth 1.5L Nalgene Cantene and or gatoraid bottle.

Platy's are great and durable, but I was never a fan of the narrow top.

04-13-2011, 21:29
I like pepsi or coke bottles myself. The smaller opening allows for easier access for water from small seeps, streams. They are making them lighter than ever anymore. Years ago, (1989) my friend did the whole AT with only one. Now, i think it would break somewhere along the line but easy (and fun) to replace.
Personally, I would hike with an old fashioned wide mouth nalgene until after the Smokies.
I say this because I sleep cold and like to fill it up with boiling water, put a sock over it and throw it in my sleeping bag with me overnight and I just don't trust the coke bottles enough to try it on a cold night.
After Hot Springs, not necessary unless you are out there in March or before.
I really don't see why people even bother paying money for a water bottle when the best ones known to man are free and don't leak (and the store bought ones often do)
just my 2 cents.

04-14-2011, 21:40
a second on the Vitamin water bottles lightweight and seem to be more durable than regular soda bottles-a tip on how not to avoid dropping the bottle cap over the side of a mountain-get a small plastic tie with grip lock - a piece of mason line about 6 inches long and some super glue-place one end of the mason line under neath the plastic tie pull the tie tight around the bottle cap and trim off the extra length of the tie then run a light bead of super glue around the edge of the plastic tie- tie the other end of the mason line under neath the rim of the bottle neck -it adds very little weight keeps the cap attached to the bottle similar to the nalgene ring

04-14-2011, 21:41
lol meant to say how to avoid dropping the bottle cap over the side of of a mountain

04-15-2011, 06:55
Trying to trim some ounces...I like the durability, but think I can save a few ounces here....is there a good, durable, lightweight water bottle. I also like have one with a squirt spout instead of lips on the lid....

the lightest waterbottle in the world is the lightest waterbottle in the world for a reason. it stays hiddin in the deep jungles of africa cause if folks found it they would attatch all manner of accesory lids and lights and bobbels and stickers and lanyards and straps and doohickys and thingamabobs and whatchamacallits. it aint havein all that. we keep in touch.

04-15-2011, 06:57
Trying to trim some ounces...I like the durability, but think I can save a few ounces here....is there a good, durable, lightweight water bottle. I also like have one with a squirt spout instead of lips on the lid....

im" a lips on "man.

04-15-2011, 07:01
I really don't see why people even bother paying money for a water bottle when the best ones known to man are free and don't leak (and the store bought ones often do)
just my 2 cents.

The same reason people spend $40K on a car when you can find plenty of good used ones for around 3, they think more expensive means better. I have always used a 2L Gatorade bottle for my water, with a 2.4L Platy for camp water.