View Full Version : 2011 ADZPCTKO - which date???

10-17-2010, 23:37
I've seen two different dates floating around the interwebs for next spring's ADZPCTKO....some sources are saying Apr 29-May 1, others are listing April 4 (namely http://pcta.org/general/calendar.asp) Who to believe??

Seems like April 4 would be pretty early and also an odd day (being a Monday)....but it would really stink to show up the last weekend in April and realize just about everyone else is either 4 weeks ahead and/or stuck in the snow in the Sierras.

10-17-2010, 23:56
Should be the last weekend of April.

10-18-2010, 06:55
Even though the pcta.org website says 4/4/11?

10-18-2010, 15:58
The 2011 kickoff will be 4/28 - 5/1.
AsABat posted something about this over on the PCT-L. He's part of the group that organizes the event.


10-18-2010, 16:10
Even though the pcta.org website says 4/4/11?

That doesn't matter, it's what's here that matters, especially if you need to register:


10-23-2010, 10:36
It's not even winter yet and people are already planning a start date for the long trail.

Oh my.

Use your brain and start whenever you want, based on snow levels and your own personal ability to navigate.

10-24-2010, 21:14
The date of the ADZPCTKO has little to nothing to do with the start date for hiking the PCT or even if the trail will be hiked at all.

10-24-2010, 21:29
a lot of people hiked to warner springs for a week or two, then drove back to kick off and then back to warner springs, to get the best of both worlds.

10-24-2010, 21:52
I was very surprised at how many people did that this year and even more surprised at how many rides were being offered. I was lucky enough to have a friend after I hiked up to South Peak in the San Jacintos and decided I hated snow and felt sick, which all made for a great excuse to go to the kickoff. It was also a great opportunity to make gear adjustments. I can't wait to see you guys there.

10-25-2010, 16:26

Wow, look at all the ads on that page. I guess we know the real reason for the KOP.

10-25-2010, 17:38
Wow, look at all the ads on that page. I guess we know the real reason for the KOP.

Your point? The ads are by cottage gear vendors that help support the KO which is free to thru-hikers.

10-25-2010, 18:00
Wow, look at all the ads on that page. I guess we know the real reason for the KOP.

And now I wonder how much, if any, of the PCT you've experienced. Earlier this year you were negative about water caches for southbound hikers. Nevermind that south bounders come into southern California during the hot fire season, but nearly all the natural water sources are far apart. Without water caches you would have to have from Barrel Spring (mile 101) to Rodriguez Spur (mile 68). Of course you said "self-sufficient" and it wouldn't be that if you drank from a tank filled by a fire truck would it? Nevermind that that tank leaks, which means that it's almost certainly dry anyway. There are a few tanks, but you're too good for that right? That leaves you with Oasis Spring, which I confirmed is still running as of yesterday. That means you have to hike 52 miles in the desert during fire season. Brilliant.

And now this comment. Okay, maybe things were different at previous kickoff's. This year the event was free for thru hikers. While non-hikers are asked to donate, that pretty much just handles the $20 a night campsite fee charged by Lake Morena. Food is provided without extra charges, and that has to be paid for too. There are many seminars held in one of the buildings. While the speakers may not get paid, the building still has to be paid for. If sponsorship pays for that, then I'm all for it. It's also a nice bonus that those sponsors give away gear at kickoff and provided free on-site repair and tips for their products to some of my friends.

Regardless, you really think the kickoff is for the sponsors? You think people hike several hundred trail miles north and hitch a ride back to kickoff because of the sponsors? Even without sponsorship there would still be some sort of kickoff, albeit without the free food, gear giveaways and the seminars would be somewhat less available.

10-25-2010, 18:08
I've been to ADZPCTKO twice. I have NO problem with the sponsors or the dedicated group that puts on ADZPCTKO.

10-25-2010, 18:40
I've been to 3 kickoffs. One 2 years before I hiked to learn more about the trail and gear choices. One the year I hiked and then the year after I hiked. I'll likely continue to go most years since I live in LA and I want to meet up with friends I haven't seen in awhile. Plus, its alot of fun.

I usually look forward to the sponsers since their gear can seldon be seen in person anywhere else without buying first. Most hikers like looking at and talking about gear which is why walking through the campground during the kickoff is such fun. You can see such a wide variety of gear since everyone's taste is different, including stuff you may not have heard of before.

One popular thing for some attendees is start at Warner Springs and hike south to the Kickoff (most that I passed in 2009 who did this seem to not be thru-hikers but wanted to do some hiking before the kickoff). Rides from points north are abundant as those of us who aren't hiking the current year usually try to round up as many hikers as possible on the drive down to pass forward the kindness whe received when we hiked.

10-25-2010, 19:25
I usually look forward to the sponsers since their gear can seldon be seen in person anywhere else without buying first. Most hikers like looking at and talking about gear which is why walking through the campground during the kickoff is such fun. You can see such a wide variety of gear since everyone's taste is different, including stuff you may not have heard of before.

So true. I'd want those guys there even if it was impossible to buy their gear while there. I spent hours talking to the vendors this year. It was also nice to find out about what new gear was coming in the future and what new technologies might allow...like breathable cuben fiber. And then there was the competition for gear made by attendees.

@not directed at Miner...
Anyway, the operating cost for ADZPCTKO is $16,000. Your donation should get rid of those sponsor ads and then we can all have the kickoff because of you.

10-26-2010, 20:13
Anyway, the operating cost for ADZPCTKO is $16,000. Your donation should get rid of those sponsor ads and then we can all have the kickoff because of you.

Please note the total lack of nastiness in my tone of voice.... :)

If you're inclined to part with your hard earned cash, PLEASE, donate to the Pacific Crest Trail Association (http://www.pcta.org), not the ADZPCTKO

The kick-off is irrelevant in regards to the well being of the trail. Having the kick-off slough resources away from The Trail is just wrong.

Without the trail, kick-offs, water caches, trail angels, web sites all the activities ancillary to the trail would not exist.

Keep your eye on the ball, the big picture, support The Trail.


10-27-2010, 13:22
And now I wonder how much, if any, of the PCT you've experienced.

Oh no, my credentials have been questioned. I sure hope I can pass the infamous Whiteblaze Hiker Purity Test, the online version of the schoolyard pissing contest!

Alright everyone, get out your trail journals and whip out your logs for everyone to see!

Bonus points for whoever has the lowest REI number! :rolleyes:

10-27-2010, 13:27
Keep your eye on the ball, the big picture, support The Trail.

Yeah, but think about how much better the trail would be if we had commercial sponsors. There would be Kenndy Meadows - brought to you by WalMart and Six Moon Designs, and maybe Water Cache - brought to you by Starbucks!

10-30-2010, 00:43
to all i met along the trail this year....what a great hike!!!!! i finished a few day's ago........thank god !!!!!!!!!!!! :banana

11-01-2010, 23:55
Please note the total lack of nastiness in my tone of voice.... :)

If you're inclined to part with your hard earned cash, PLEASE, donate to the Pacific Crest Trail Association (http://www.pcta.org), not the ADZPCTKO

I am a salty one, I'll readily admit that. It just irks me when people answer questions like they know what they're talking about and should know better if they've actually been out there. I haven't been up in the Sierras or the Cascades and I get real quiet when it comes to discussing those areas because I don't have the knowledge or experience to give specific advice there.

The PCTA advice is good. That's one of the main reasons I'm going to renew my membership, even though I may not apply for a thru hike permit. I like that the proceeds for your maps are going to the PCTA. I may recommend your maps before Halfmile maps for that reason alone.