View Full Version : Short article on early AT restoration in Patrick County, VA

12-06-2010, 11:34

Kind of difficult to navigate but the short article begins on page 28. Sorry I couldn't find a more user friendly way to post but thought this article was worthy of the aggreviation of viewing it. :)

I've never seen a map of the old AT, but I'm guessing it followed the current Blue Ridge Parkway for a pretty good distance.

12-06-2010, 12:50
When the article viewer opens up, click on Page "1" in the top left, and type in "28". Click on a page to make it large enough to read, and then move your mouse down to read the entire page.

12-07-2010, 14:10
There is an old stone and wood shelter that has withstood the test of time very. It's on a part of the old trail which is now the top section of the Rock Castle Gorge Trail. It is very near to a Blue Ridge Parkway overlook. The view from the shelter would have been very nice. No camping is allowed on that part of the trail however.