View Full Version : Evernew collapsible bottles

01-17-2011, 11:11
Any one use these bottles or the Nalgene ones. The Evernew (found them on End2End trail supply-- https://www.end2endtrailsupply.com) bottles are lighter than Gatorade bottles and I am not sure if it's good to keep refilling Gatorade bottles. Though I do switch out the Gatorade bottles when ever I have the chance. Please give me your opinion of the collapsible type bottles.

01-17-2011, 11:31
I carry both. A gatorade bottle I find helpful when scooping water. The collapsbile ones are tough to fill. But I use them as well for water storage at camp.

01-17-2011, 15:20
I just did a video on my Platy Softbottle and my Nalgene collapsible cantene. Check it out here:


01-17-2011, 15:20
I just did a video on my Platy Softbottle and my Nalgene collapsible cantene. Check it out here:


01-17-2011, 15:26
Any one use these bottles or the Nalgene ones. The Evernew (found them on End2End trail supply-- https://www.end2endtrailsupply.com) bottles are lighter than Gatorade bottles and I am not sure if it's good to keep refilling Gatorade bottles. Though I do switch out the Gatorade bottles when ever I have the chance. Please give me your opinion of the collapsible type bottles.

I use an Evernew but its kind of difficult to clean. I agree with you about refilling Gatorade bottles...BPA and they get nasty, but you can keep buying new ones and they come with a free drink!

Its nice to have a collapsible to stick in your pack for carrying extra water to camp for cooking and cleaning.

01-17-2011, 15:44
I use platypus bags and honestly have never carried anything resembling a water bottle. I just use my cooking pot or coffee mug to scoop up water if necessary. There's a lot of versatility there. With the water tube I don't have to stop to rehydrate, an put on a click type sports cap for in tent water and never have to worry with volumous empty bottles.