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03-12-2011, 20:42
I was supposed to leave for GA this morning and start hiking first thing tomorrow. Sadly my ride (who is also my SO) fell ill and really needs to be near home and the doctors. So I am at home, with my bags packed, my boots ready, the rest of my life folded up.... and no idea no how to get to Springer.

Suggestions? Bueller?

Of note- I have a JetBoil stove, 2 fuel canisters, large knife, all my gear, and 1 bundle of nerves. :eek:

03-12-2011, 21:00
You must have some friends with a car.
Go ask.
Is this the first blowdown of the trail?
If so, it is one you have to deal with.
There's always greyhound.
Richmond is probably only 6 or 7 hours away.

Jersey Tim
03-12-2011, 21:47
If you can get a ride up I-64 to Charlottesville tomorrow, you can catch the Amtrak Crescent. It runs overnight, leaving around 8pm, and drops you in Gainesville or Atlanta in the morning. You shouldn't have an issue with your gear, and you can call to arrange a ride at the Georgia end while you're waiting tomorrow.

03-12-2011, 21:49
Richmond is a major Greyhound hub. Have someone drive you to the station and hop on a bus to Gainesville, GA and have the Hikers Hostel suttle you to Springer. No big deal, you can be there tomorrow.

03-12-2011, 23:02
I have looked at both Amtrak and Greyhound and they seem to be options. I won't know if I can go till after we see the docs. :-( Now I just have to sit here and twiddle my thumbs.

Montana Mac
03-12-2011, 23:05
It sounds it is more trying to figure what is happening with the SO more then getting to the trail. Hope all is okay! - The trail will still be there when you are ready.

03-13-2011, 11:01
Okay Amtrak Crescent, Tuesday night! So I need a ride from Atlanta to Amicalola Falls Visitors Center Wednesday morning.

03-13-2011, 11:19
Gainesville GA to Amicalola Falls.

03-13-2011, 19:16
when you finish your hike I will be curious to see if you still think that getting there was the hardest part. Good luck on your journey.

03-13-2011, 22:19
Sad to hear you so upset with your travel difficulties. I'd be more concerned about my SO first and foremost and not worry about twiddling my thumbs. I've recently gone through this problem with my wife also...

03-13-2011, 22:21
Who knows 4shot? But leaving behind an SO who has a very unstable health condition is certainly a challenge. Here is to hoping that this year will be kind to us and there will be no hospitalizations.

03-13-2011, 22:31
Good luck, Stearman. I do not envy you the bus ride, but things will get really good the minute you see Josh or Leigh, waiting to take you to their home. I hope that you will give yourself an extra day or two there to orient yourself once more. There will be other hikers and a great atmosphere. Your SO will benefit from knowing that you are safe and happy and not being held back by illness. You go, girl!--Kinnickinic

03-13-2011, 22:49
Sad to hear you so upset with your travel difficulties. I'd be more concerned about my SO first and foremost and not worry about twiddling my thumbs. I've recently gone through this problem with my wife also...

Sorry man, but you are barking up the wrong tree about MY priorities. Their medical condition is my first and foremost concern, but after being ill for 16 years, they are the one who is pushing me to go live this dream. They are getting significantly sicker, but want me to be able to hike the AT before it becomes so bad that I miss the chance because I have to be the full time caregiver and carrier of health insurance (something they cannot live without). Next time, try to think about how something may come across before you throw out a judgment like that.

03-13-2011, 22:54
Good luck, Stearman. I do not envy you the bus ride, but things will get really good the minute you see Josh or Leigh, waiting to take you to their home. I hope that you will give yourself an extra day or two there to orient yourself once more. There will be other hikers and a great atmosphere. Your SO will benefit from knowing that you are safe and happy and not being held back by illness. You go, girl!--Kinnickinic

I look forward to meeting the people at the Hiker's Hostel. I have heard nothing but good things about them. As of right now I am leaning towards the Amtrak train (which arrives at 7am). I'm going to see if I can do the thru-hikers special with a split. Ride from Train station to trail, and then overnight when I hike in (4th night). I spent 9 years in Georgia and I am looking forward to getting my twang on. As for my SO, they are more concerned about me, and I him. This is a huge risk we are taking, but it's now or possibly never.