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View Full Version : GPX file for entire thru hike PN-60

03-19-2011, 20:47
I have the Delorme PN-60 and am leaving Wednesday from Springer bound for Maine.

Just loaded up Topo and tried to get some maps on it.

I was like...
then I was like...
now I'm like...
So can someone help me get to: :banana

I've downloaded this guy's track files http://guymott.com/atgps.html which seems like everything I'd ever want. The entire trail in bite sized tracks.

TOPO imports them as draw files. I want them as routes I can follow. Honestly I'd settle for just having the maps the AT goes over downloaded and installed on the Delorme. How do I get Topo to change these Draw Files to something more than virtual marks on my Topo map and make them into something I can load up in the GPS and follow?!?